Fishes be like “wait a minute, you ain’t Kevin, he was wearing a blue blazer!”
Fishes be like “wait a minute, you ain’t Kevin, he was wearing a blue blazer!”
If these burglars happened to be the same ones that stole Charlie Villanueva’s toilet that would be hilarious.
So that’s the trick to defeating American imperialism, pointy sticks.
P*rnHub jingle intensifies.
I’ll accept it but you’ll have to send me a happy birthday message.
That’s true, my wifi was coming and going so I didn’t get to elaborate more in my original comment.
To quote user Earflap: what?
That’s because the amount of alcohol you need to survive is 0, sugar on the other hand is both, needed and “bad”.
February 14th is my birthday so of course I hate Valentine’s Day, I can’t hang out with my friends 'cause they’re hanging with their girlfriends, and if I’m in a relationship I have to go buy flowers and stuff the day of my birthday instead of just chilling and playing videogames which I honestly prefer. And don’t get me started on people assuming I like everything heart shaped and stuff…
If these two events were a separate thing I’d probably be OK with Valentine’s Day TBH.
You’re probably thinking of “Fediprose”.
It tastes like cheese.
Yeah, the company that donated one million dollar to a mfer that promised nothing but fascism is not fascist…
We need a community called “Capitalism Gone Wild”.
“You almost ran over a five year old with your oversized vehicle, thanks for breaking! This segment is brought to you thanks to BetterHelp…”
Fortunately LibreTube and NewPipe exist 👍
I thought this said Michael Porter Jr. for a minute, was very confused since he was in the Nuggets, not the Clippers 🤣
Skeets from the No Dunks podcast said something along those lines too 🤣
She gonna take her horse to the old town road, she gonna riiiiiiiiiide 'till she can no more.
They watched that one The Big Bang Theory episode.
I have to start with the first entry so I can see how the franchise evolved over time, for example, I recently started playing the Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest games, I have played the first three games from each franchise and that has helped me to understand the good, the bad, and the ugly from each entry.