In 1995 we boycotted Shell for environmental reasons and it worked:
Towing of the platform to its final position began on 11 June. By this time, the call for a boycott of Shell products was being heeded across much of continental northern Europe, damaging Shell’s profitability as well as brand image. […]
On 20 June, Shell had decided that their position was no longer tenable, and withdrew their plan to sink the Brent Spar […]
So it needed more than a week of concerted boycott action to bring big business into trouble, but not unlimited boycott.
Yes, please kill the Starlink deal.
He gives a Minifist
Citing from another Lemmy-Post: Forget about Uber and use Bolt!
Destroying weather forecast for no good reasons sounds like state terrorism with the goal to hit random US Americans
It was not that much. From: relevant part translated: “I believe we delivered approximately 3,000,000 liters to them in 2024. It is simply moral support.”
I am not from the banking business, but as this worked for PP, I would assume that such connection should easily doable for our banks, too.
I think the cartoon suggest that Trumpler wants to mimic his fascist comrade and idol Russki Putler.
An alternative was Paydirekt (Giropay) supported by my German bank. But while it worked quite fine, there where only very few supported sites (shops), for international payment it was more or less useless and end of last year 2024 the service has been discontinued.
It is frustrating to learn that from your experience Wero is also no good alternative for PP. Do you think there is anything we can do to persuade our banks that we want a different, better Wero? I have not so much hope for mine, but would be willing to use any serious EU bank providing a good PP alternative, which can be used worldwide.
PS: If such discussion should not be wanted in /c/europe, it could be a good fit for !
CORRECTIV ist eine gemeinnützige & unabhängige Redaktion. Wir stehen für investigativen Journalismus & stärken eine demokratische Gesellschaft
Eine unabhängige Redaktion sollte keine Demonstrationen organisieren, außer vielleicht wenn es um Pressefreiheit geht.
Was hat das mit der darüber zitierten Zeile zu CORRECTIV zu tun?
Das liest sich leider so, als ob Du CORRECTIV unterstellen möchtest, politische Demonstrationen bzw. Proteste organisiert zu haben.
Das widerspricht aber deren eindeutiger Aussage:
- Unterstützt die Correctiv gGmbH politische Demonstrationen oder Proteste mit ihren finanziellen Mitteln?
Und schon gibt es eine Petition:
Hoffentlich hilfreich für das AfD-Verbot.
Maybe using Regulation (EU) 654/2014.
This comment explains it a bit:
I understand your feelings, and I share them. Let’s stay strong and united, refusing to let fear or hatred divide us. Remember, we have allies in America who stand against extremism and are working tirelessly to promote justice and equality. There is a growing movement of brave activists, judges, and everyday Americans who are standing up against these challenges. It’s crucial that we support them and let them know they are not alone. Together we are stronger.
You can find an overview of the current resistance in yesterday’s post on Substack:
Diese lupenreinen Demokratinnen finden also eine demoratische USA mit “rule of law” böse, und die faschistische USA mit “rule of $$$” gut.
Sind eigentlich alle nur noch irre?
Nicht alle, aber doch sehr viele.
Wir haben mit Startpage einfach nach “tk epa widersprechen” gesucht. Erster Link: Dann ersteinmal auf der Tk-Webseite angemeldet und danach diesen Link geöffnet, Widerspruch durchgeführt, fertig.
Bei der großen Kundgebung in Schweinfurt 2024 waren auch lokale CSU-Politiker dabei und demonstrierten mit uns anderen zusammen gegen die Nazis. Ich war überrascht, fand es aber schön, dass alle an einem Strang zogen.
Sorry, I have to use German key-words below, as those are strongly bound to the worst part of our culture and history and are not translatable, maybe you get the concept by looking at translated version of my Wikipedia links:
With regards to the timing, only few days before the “Machtergreifung”, in the USA, what Meta does looks to me like Vorauseilender Gehorsam as preparation to use the 2.0 digital versions of Volksempfänger to enable entities with similar job and plans like Joseph Goebbels to mass-share propaganda lies. In Summary: Big tech started with their Gleichschaltung without any order (yet) nor resistence.
As said, this is what the news about “fact check being removed” triggers for me. Not sure if OP meant the same, though.
Ich freue mich über den Open Source Ansatz!
This is a good time for comprehensible, scientifically sound education. Furthermore, the sources of the lies should be identified and exposed as such. Both on a large scale.