Steam Decking fallout 3 atm, with D4 occasionally spaced in. Next is n ew Vegas and fo4.
Steam Decking fallout 3 atm, with D4 occasionally spaced in. Next is n ew Vegas and fo4.
Because they have no consistent vision for the game and don’t know what they’re doing, so they panic and start toggling various levers.
Blizzard took the age old wisdom of “less is more” and decided they knew better.
Waving a Nazi flag should be a flight to Dachau and experiencing a full 12 months the --exact-- same way it used to be.
Arbeit macht frei.
I’m gonna hold that is was immensely more fun around A10-12, but to be fair I haven’t tried the latest release.
I remember when I was hanging out with some of the gays (I keep them as friends to keep up appearances). Before, I was always the alpha. I could swing by any bar and leave with the hottest lib in my F150. By the end of the night she’d be screaming for her daddy and fully supportive of Trump. I loved converting libs to MAGA-wearing breeders.
But then I hung around the gays, and something inside of me just fundamentally flipped: I love penis inexplicably and wearing the latest Hillary 2024 fair-trade organic cotton shirts I got for volunteering. I’ve never seen such a marvelous transformation!
History became legend.
Legend became myth.
And for two and a half thousand years, Foul Bachelor Frog passed out of all knowledge.
To be fair, 2 of those games are legit some of the GOATs. I’ve been gaming since my mom played Mario with me in the early 90s, and those two games are something else.
I remember buying the Minecraft alpha for $10, and there wasn’t that much to do, but it was strangely addicting.
I think it’s because when it is illegal it’s ultra illegal and ultra terrible. Even then I question how much of it is already pretty sus.
I’ve been hearing this since 2010. Nothing is going to change.
EA Sports 2024 is going to come out, it’s going to have 40,000 mixed reviews.
Cleared campaign full T2 from.beginning to end, hardcore only, with a stadia controller. Did it as a blizzard frost orb sorc, which I think is trash.
Probably just being gear checked. Go do some side quests until aegendary drops that temporarily breaks you for a few levels.
To be fair, platforms like this will originate in that shape for the significant future. Reddit did as well. I’m not white, but work as a software engineer.
For shako being the rarest item in the game, it’s so utterly boring.
Only way I can justify it: Mephisto is a prime evil. Lilith a lesser evil. Both clearly already have influence over the entire party. Mephisto manipulating the hero into imprisoning him has to be part of his game plan.
Killing Lilith and imprisoning Mephisto is really the only logical choice. You were really going to side with a Lesser Evil, the daughter of Hatred, and think it was going to be all dandy candy?
I have no reason why they would let a child walk around with a prime evil soulstone though lmao.
Anyone that bothers you based on your hardware is an actual 🤡
Let go of that thought. Reddit is (probably) here to stay. Lemmy will have less users, less communities, and tbh, probably less quality content. That’s okay. Grow your seeds.
I always wanted a Tesla. I’m now in a position I could buy one comfortably, but now I have a spine and won’t.
I graduated at 27 and got an internship in SF. Life changed.
Sure, but we’re talking about Diablo, not fps. I’m pretty sure the vast majority of PC gamers play FPS/moba with m+kb instead of controller lol.
Tbh, it’s probably good for multiple devs to go different ways. We don’t know which, if any, reddit replacement can take hold. I love rif and the developer behind it, I hope their journey goes well.
The great thing is, now you’re 100% empowered to move forward and host the responsibility yourself. Demanding volunteers shoulder potential liability (when you yourself admit you can’t understand how there’s any in the first place) is juvenile.
The moment a volunteer is hit with a DMCA notice or any threat of legal action, you think they have any interest in going through the court system? You can do it first.