For extra fun preheat the plates with the water from the pasta. Additionally the pasta water can be added to most sauces to make them more thick.
Okay lets see. What I meant is: at its time, the Ariane 5 was a great program. Now is a different time. Now we have got SpaceX (and RocketLab etc.) and at the same time the Ariane 6 is already outdated before it is ever launched. At the same time, the Ariane 6 program has run into major delays, so it is not even clear when the first launch will be – probably 2024.
Reusable rocket technology is where it’s at if we as Europeans want to stay relevant in the commercial launch sector.
The Soyuz is not a bad rocket, neither is the Ariane. It is just that technology has advanced quite significantly in the last few years. And rockets are just a (very visible) part of space technology.
I am a proud European, but do not kid yourself. The United States are light years ahead in space technology. The Ariane program is a complete clusterfuck as of now.
Wo ist das genau?
Du hast recht. Aber vielleicht hat spahn hier recht und man muss einen Zwischenschritt gehen.