Be the ghost you want to see in the world
Be the ghost you want to see in the world
Iirc the movie is inspired by the book but I haven’t seen it yet and honestly barely read the book
Unicorns that “lost” their horns identity as “horses” but that doesn’t make them less of a unicorn. If you are auab (assigned unicorn at birth), nothing in the world will ever turn you into a horsey. That’s basic biology.
This is a psy op from the government because it’s so obviously wrong that it makes bird truthers look like idiots too, which we are not. If it flies, it spies. “If it gallops, it spies” neither rhymes nor does it make sense. See how fake it is!
They can kill the penguin but they can’t kill the idea
That’s how elections work: one wins, everyone else loses
The ideology of neoliberalism is to claim it’s just the way the world works and everyone else is political. No need to question or prove your presumption if you pretend there are none.
Sounds fair
Watch your l*nguage, my dear
Still even people new to writing have a good intuition about that but formalizing this intuition is a different story
But I’m allergic to almonds and gluten intolerant!
No Klein bottle? Not even a small one?
Please, it’s w*rd, we want to keep this f*mily friendly
I once heard that monkeys will just go to the typewriter, tipe the same letter a few times and leave. Doesn’t sound like Shakespeare to me
As someone who remembers the time before spotify: people were pirating alot so legal streaming was the way to end this but giving a usable alternative