Not too much to tell really. I run a couple of hobby websites that get 10’s to 100’s of visitors per month. I have an unnecessary postgres server that keeps a bunch of datasets I’ve built up over the years for the rare instances where I want to query. I have a couple VMs that just run my web scraping scripts.
In general - they are easier for me to rent and setup than teardown!
When I learned about repl.it bounties my fantasy was something like “Do programming problems get VM credits” and it seemed ideal - but underwhelming in reality.
There are two kinds of “how-to”.
How to do something - that’s what this is. Simple, straightforward, accomplishes its goal.
How to understand something - explaining how and why this works and how you could generalize what this is doing to related projects.
However, even if you are interested in the second choice, this is still useful! Your next step is just to look into the libraries that the rembg package uses.