Retired gamer

  • 42 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Check out TheUltimator5’s posts on recurring buy fills:

    I think 6days1week had the Computershare recurring buy dates marked on a calendar, or maybe TheUltimator5 mentions in one of his posts.

    I used the most basic average $1.2 million buy every 2 weeks and used only $14 a share as an example. So 85,714 shares * 6 times a quarter = 514,284 shares from just recurring buys each quarter. Mileage will vary of course on GME share price at the time.

    I think the DTCC side can see all broker transactions.

    • Computershare’s bi-weekly recurring and daily purchases go through a broker.
    • Broker DRS transfers to Computershare notify the DTCC that a stock withdrawal is taking place.
    • I think I saw a redditor mention a rule/agreement that the DTCC can ask to see a transfer agent’s books at any time, too.

  • The DRS count incrementing 76.0m > 76.26m > 76.6m seems “ok, no ‘major’ f–kery” but still a bit on the low side. Which partly leads to questioning if we are overestimating retail investor purchasing power and how many are DRS-ing in that timeframe.

    Without access to the Computershare dashboard to see daily account and count changes, we’re left in the dark guessing. Like the +4.2m for 3/22/2023 versus +.5m on 10/29/2022. One theory is “they” load up DRS accounts, then many months later drain shares to confuse retail.

  • Further ruminating, using very conservative numbers.

    Not even using 200,000 Computershare accounts. Say just 100,000 accounts.

    Is it a stretch to say 100,000 accounts DRS 5 shares a month? 100,000 x 5 shares a month x 3 months = 1,500,000 a quarter

    5 shares a month * $22 avg = $110 a month * 3 months = $330 a quarter

    Or only 1 to 3 shares a month for 200,000 accounts:

    • 1 share a month = 600,000 a quarter
    • 2 shares a month = 1,200,000 a quarter
    • 3 shares a month = 1,800,000 a quarter

  • It seems the underlying question is if the DTCC has any effect on what Computershare provides GameStop for the DRS numbers.

    I’m assuming Computershare the transfer agent keeps its own share count and provides the information to GameStop.

    • Computershare -> GameStop

    Assuming there is no DTCC step where the DTCC tells Computershare what’s on DTCC side, so Computershare has to fudge their numbers to match, then tell GameStop.

    Has there been any information that shows the flow of share count data is:

    • DTCC -> Computershare -> GameStop

    If we include the non-official DRS numbers with the official GameStop SEC filings:

    Date DRS in Millions Notes
    10/30/21 20.80 SEC filing
    01/29/22 35.60 SEC filing
    04/30/22 50.80 SEC filing
    05/26/22 47.01 List of stockholders
    07/30/22 71.30 SEC filing
    10/29/22 71.80 SEC filing
    03/22/23 76.00 SEC filing
    04/21/23 76.26 List of stockholders
    06/01/23 76.60 SEC filing
    06/20/23 75.33 Mainstar rugpull -1,270,566
    08/31/23 75.40 SEC filing

    The May 2023 visit to GameStop HQ for the 04/21/23 list of stockholders numbers:

    Using your numbers:

    • 10/29/22 71.80
    • 03/22/23 103.2382 - would be like 31.4 million shares times $25 average = $785,000,000
    • 06/01/23 114.7828 - like 11.54 million shares times $21 average = $242,340,000
    • 08/31/23 129.5794 - like 14.8 million shares times $22 average = $325,600,000

    From a dollar amount $1,352,940,000 / 200,000 Computershare accounts = $6,765 each / $22 avg = +308 shares each over 10 months (31 shares a month).

    Plausible, but it may be tough for the average holder to spend $676 a month on GME shares. And without the whales buying as much as they initially did, it skews the numbers down too.

  • Whoops, I think you may be misinterpreting the spreadsheet and graph I put together. I’ll rename the labels some and pick a less “Computershare purple” color in this week’s graph to clarify more.

    I wanted to highlight that just 200k Computershare accounts owned 75.5 million DRS shares. And these 200k CS accounts also have a conservative 25% more shares stuck in IRA accounts (not DRS’d). So 75.5 million DRS’d and 18.9 million stuck in IRA accounts. Rather than 85-90 million DRS’d in Computershare.

    I was trying to convey that just 200k CS accounts hold 75.5 million DRS and 18.9 million in IRA accounts. And the “remaining 62 million shares” likely doesn’t add up if we think about the total number of retail brokerage, margin, and IRA accounts holding GME.

  • August 15, 2023 SS post: I haven’t gone through the numbers on the screenshots, and I think someone mentioned one page was missing.

    Old notes from DRSyourGME:

    5/18/2023 numbers from lawsondt’s compilation:
    • Outstanding Shares: 304,717,030
    • ETFs: 29,268,180
    • MFs, Index Funds, Pension Funds, etc.: 35,394,217
    • Other Institutional Ownership: 46,228,722
    • Insiders: 38,482,026
    • Insiders Stagnant: 13,961,696


    Then 6/13/2023 numbers after known adjustments:
    • Outstanding Shares: 304,717,030 -> 304,751,243 Shares outstanding as of June 1, 2023 GameStop Form 10-Q
    • ETFs: 29,268,180
    • MFs, Index Funds, Pension Funds, etc.: 35,394,217
    • Other Institutional Ownership: 46,228,722
    • Insiders: 38,482,026 -> +10,000 +5,000 +190,638 +253,204 = 38,985,868
    • Insiders Stagnant: 13,961,696

    8/15/2023 look again for free float number:
    Free float: 304,751,243 - 29,268,180 - 35,394,217 - 46,228,722 - 38,985,868 - 13,961,696 = 140,912,560

    8/23/2023 Estimated DRS count: 77,089,291
    8/23/2023 Estimated DRS count minus 1,270,566 Mainstar rugpull shares: 75,818,725