• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023

  • Oh, ok, I get what you are saying.
    Well, unfortunately those are problems of a caliber that I wouldn’t be able to solve for you. Nor do I think that anybody else here can.

    A (somewhat vague) answer for your first point might be that you need to change your perspective. But that is easier said than done and I don’t want to pretend that I know how shitty your live might actually is.

    For your second point, it is at least very good that you were able to recognize bad content on your own. Many people fail that.
    You could try to find drastically different videos from different groups of people. Again, I know this is easier said than done.

    I think most people on Lemmy are strictly against religion, so I don’t think you will find much help in that regard here.
    Maybe as a starting point, you could try to find resources from a totally different group of people. Depending on your exact questions you might want to watch videos about what people of other religions might have to say about that.
    Like, if you want to know more about something from the old testament you could try to watch videos from jews, or if you have questions about Jesus you could look up what the muslims have to say about that.

    I wish you all the best! Try to endure until you know, what it is you can strive for.

  • If you don’t want to trust people in churches near you, you can try to slowly gather all the answers you want on your own from the internet. But be careful with this!
    For one, there are many more possibilities to get the wrong answers online than in local communities. So it can easily happen to fall in deep rabbit holes of stuff that won’t benefit you.
    And, it can be really overwhelming to sort out information about such topics online. So please, take things slowly. I don’t think that your god expects you to be perfectly informed in a matter of days, weeks or even months.

    If you are able to slowly explore the answers to whatever questions you might have, you will most likely find everything you need.
    Just by watching YouTube videos alone, one could spend thousands upon thousands of hours educating oneself about all this stuff. But again, be careful with that. Take small steps.

    Regarding your original question, Nemo has already given you a good answer. I want to add that if you believe in heaven and hell, why would you care if you efforts are rewarded in this life? Wouldn’t you try to “be as good as you can”, no matter how others react to that? Would your god not reward you after your death accordingly and punish those who treated you unfairly, if they truly deserve punishment? So why even care? If you believe in a god that eventually brings justice to everyone, just try to be as good of a person as you can be. Whatever this exactly means for you.

  • Nö, so sehe ich das gar nicht. Ich würde auch einen einzelnen Menschen, der “Scheiß auf Araber” sagen würde, als Rassisten ansehen. Das einzige, wo man Rassismus bei den wiedergegebenen Worten hineininterpretieren könnte, wäre bei “solltest froh sein, weil auch wenn du Ausländer bist, siehst aber nicht arabisch aus”. Aber es ist auch völlig denkbar, dass das in keinster Weise abwertend gegenüber Ausländern gemeint gewesen sein könnte. Das lässt sich über so eine beschränkte Textwiedergabe überhaupt nicht zuverlässig sagen.

    Meine Gedanken dazu wurden nach deinem Kommentar ganz gut vom Nutzer aktenkundig auf den Punkt gebracht. Das scheint mir einfach eine allgemein sehr negativ eingestellte Person zu sein. So welche kenne ich auch persönlich. Ich finde es furchtbar anstrengend in deren Gegenwart.

    Aber ich bin dennoch gerne vorsichtig damit, vorschnell Menschen und ihre Meinungen mit handfesten Mitteln zu unterdrücken. Ich möchte nicht in einem Land leben, in dem sowas auch die “guten” meinungen treffen könnte, wenn man mehr von der “schlechten” Meinung in seinem Umfeld hat.

    Daher empfehle ich, wenn man die Kraft dazu hat, Kontra zu geben. Andernfalls klar machen, dass man von sowas einfach nichts hören will.

  • little_water_bear@discuss.tchncs.detoDeutschland@feddit.deIst das Rassismus?
    9 months ago

    Die Vermutung, dass diese Person Rassist sei, ist naheliegend. Aber um fair zu sein, kann ich das, was du von deinem Kollegen wiedergibst nicht wirklich rassistisch nennen.

    Mir passen diese Meinungen zwar auch nicht, aber in der Form muss ich mich noch auf die Seite der Verdi stellen und sagen, dass das eben von der Meinungsfreiheit gedeckt ist. Was ich im Übrigen richtig und wichtig finde, auch bei solchen Meinungen.

    Dass diese Person dich so mit ihrer Meinung überschüttet stelle ich mir aber schon sehr unangenehm vor.
    Das vernünftigste wäre es wohl, der Person beim nächsten mal ganz klar und deutlich mitzuteilen, dass du von solcherlei Themen allgemein nichts hören möchtest. Oder, falls es nicht die Themen allgemein, sondern nur die Ansichten dieser Person im speziellen sind, dagegen argumentieren.

    Ersteres erfordert etwas Mut und ist vielleicht nicht immer eine praktische Lösung, je nachdem, wie die Machtverhältnisse sind. Aber das wäre der einfachste und direkteste Weg.
    Letzteres könnte sehr anstrengend werden. Im Idealfall machst du der Person klar, was du von ihren Ansichten hältst, sie reflektiert, sieht es ein und passt sich deiner Meinung an. Das scheint mir aber unwahrscheinlich. Vor allem wenn du allein dastehst.

    Zu deiner vierten Frage kann ich mit Erfahrungen aus meinem Umfeld passend zu deiner dritten Frage sagen, dass es sehr, sehr viele Arbeitsstellen mit Menschen gibt, mit denen man einfach nicht auf einer Wellenlänge ist. Das lässt sich nur mit Glück oder sehr viel Aufwand vermeiden. Versetzungen und dergleichen könnten daher das Problem zwar lösen. Ich halte es aber für zu wahrscheinlich, dass am neuen Arbeitsplatz ähnliche Probleme auftauchen könnten, als dass ich diese Vorgehensweise empfehlen könnte. Außer natürlich dein Wohlbefinden leidet unter bestimmten Personen so stark, dass du nur wegen denen nicht mehr zufrieden deiner Arbeit nachgehen kannst und du keine Aussicht mehr darauf hast, dass es sich bessern könnte. Dann empfehle ich, so schnell wie möglich eine neue Stelle zu suchen. Ob beim gleichen Arbeitgeber oder sogar ganz wo anders.

  • Not just frequent jokes, but those annoying ever-repeating jokes. Like as if 80% of users were the same person. Before opening any post on Reddit, there is a good chance to be able to correctly predict the exact content of a significant portion of the comments. I get that it can be funny to an individual to come across stuff like “I also choose this guys wife” or “And my axe” more than once. But for people like me, who did not just start using the website, it is really annoying to come across the same jokes literally hundreds of times.

    This goes hand in hand with the general idea of a “Reddit hivemind”. Depending on the subs you visit, you can see that Reddits userbase is actually really diverse. There are people from every demographic with all kinds of different life experiences. But in a lot of subs, anytime a woman is mentioned there is a flood of people acting like as if there are no women on the internet and as if no person using Reddit could have a girlfriend. Again, I get that it can be funny once or twice. But when the idea that every user must be a typical “Redditor” gets repeated all the time it’s just annoying. Needless to say that I don’t look forward to being called a “Lemming” on this site.

    Also, repeating comments on the same post. Obviously you don’t have to read all the comments if there are already hundreds of them. But if there are too many comments saying the exact same thing it just gets harder to read them all. So it would be nice if people would look whether the point they want to make maybe has been made already. They can increase that comment’s visibility by upvoting. No need to make other people read the same content multiple times and by that make it harder to read different comments.

  • No, I don’t have heard of such a website. (Although the comment made by Shady_Shiroe comes funnily close to it.) But that is probably because all ad supported sites I visit have more than enough users without adblock to support themselves.

    From a pure, real and practical standpoint you are right. For you and me and most users here it won’t do any harm to use adblock. But that only works because there are so many people who don’t. If everyone were to use adblock now, then the websites would start to either find ways to circumvent the adblock or they would not be available anymore, either because they went down or got paywalled. I’m fine with paying for some websites. But there are too many things I think are useful on the internet to be able to pay for each and every thing I see individually or via subscription.

    What I want to say is that I don’t think it would be good if a big portion of users would start to use adblock so I don’t think it could be right for any individual person to do so, even if you can’t tell how many more adblock users it would take to make a negative impact.

  • Wow, there are a lot of comments describing how neccessary it must be to use adblock. I don’t think I can actually change anyone’s mind here, but I’m going to share my perspective anyway:

    While I don’t agree with the statement quoted in the original post, I do think that ads are neccessary for most websites I visit to function. Not because of the content creators, but because of the companies running the platforms.

    I know, ads can be problematic. But to outright block all ads is no solution. Privacy and data protection are very important to me, so I’m against every form of targeted ads. But just generic or maybe contextual ads? I don’t see any harm in that. Malware is mentioned often in other comments. I disable JavaScript whenever I can. That’s absolutely enough for blocking all ads to not make any real difference in terms of security. Although I have to admit that blocking scripts also blocks some ads.

    But still, I see all ads on YouTube and search engines for example. And I’m happy to see them. It’s incredible that such platforms, providing so many people with access to so much content from so many other people can actually exist. There are a lot of resources needed for this.

    And if I still don’t want to see ads simply because I don’t want to? Then I don’t have to, even without any adblockers. If I don’t think a website is worth the ads it thinks it needs to show me, then I don’t have to use it. I can just leave. If it is easy to provide the same service without ads then there must be countless alternatives already.