Have you checked to see if the foundations are the same ?
Have you checked to see if the foundations are the same ?
One of the first of many.
I think this will be rarer now than later though. It’s really early days and the detained probably are still being treated mostly in the rule of law. Not that the arrests would stand up to legal scrutiny. But once arrested will probably not be too harmed physically.
Later, of course, this will change. If we are lucky it will only be some victims, and not hundreds of thousands
Which is why liberalism in a not so democratic country can do little to stop this type of decline. Too non violent, too careful, too scared
Ideally one would vote out authoritarian candidates, but what to do when it’s a taboo to criticize electronic vote counting? Vote counting on electronic platforms run by the very people the liberals oppose? Vote counting supported by a steadfast belief of state governments not being corrupted, and not being in cahoots with the wealthy families running said platforms?
“There are safeguards”, ”I trust in the process”
Then when voting fails what to do but use free speech to oppose what is happening?
“Surely they will allow my voice to rise and be heard and I can use reason”
Yes people will hear you but it won’t do much.
All I know is that if I can blame the average Russian, German, Brit, Serbian, Hutu etc for bad things in history. No force on earth is going to have me give Americans a pass. Especially after the majority of them supported the wars in the Middle East.
It’s a genocide, the clues are everywhere. It’s not an American thing that makes it unique. There are shitty people everywhere mixed in with decent folks.
And it’s fine to not protest or just be quiet. Sometimes that is all one can do. It’s ok to think one is powerless to oppose such things. This is the case for many.
But actual support that is voluntary? No
And I think there is some overlap between our two views. Many of the people who I would give a pass to, are many of the people you talk about
No doubt about the genocide.
Maybe I am unfairly judging Americans who support Israel or look down on Palestinians.
But I have so much anger about that I cannot be impartial. Most Americans have had hints they ignore, deliberately. I can’t forgive that
I started in world, realized I was not a good fit, and transferred my first few months.
World is great for some. Many coming from Reddit will feel comfortable. Especially USA middle class liberals who do not vary their news and don’t think too hard about certain things
Bold of you to assume I have pants
snopes does not have that in their search results
When I worked with customers I found having a slightly unpleasant look, while working hard, propelled me into stock. They had to be very desperate to use me at the front.
My secret power was sucking up to management though. A combination of unfriendliness to some and subservience to others is hard to do for many
Yea I thought of that and have no real answer. But should that be solved, without advertising income, it would change everything
The Enola Gay is still mildly radioactive, so I can’t help but think “Hot gays in your area ready to bang”
said Christians were having to choice between their Churches and Trump
it’s an easy way for believers to see and avoid the unholy temples now worshipping the ungodly
I think it’s all part of the child abuse cycle; people manipulated and humiliated while young, without a person to speak up for them, tend to support these types of things. And a lot of their children will too.
But those who had more nurturing and love tend to not support ideologies which dehumanize, and can recognize more when something promotes senseless violence. They are also more decent adults.
It mostly works on people already bigoted and hateful, I think. A decent person may have inaccurate picture, but indecent people support it more
Brainwashing or just nasty people?
If Linux can be developed, then a public fork run the same way for browser can too. It’s possible just no interest yet.
Not yet another protocol invading me brain!?? For all I know the different pattern of signal does things to my delicate nets.
I already had to contend with the fridge and garage door
Layers of socks, warm and comfy
At least the script will only have three words
What does the second line say under the first line of 1203 restaurant? Can’t make out the first word