Yeah, good job. The more people secure from government, the less control they have. Privacy is a value we have to keep fighting for, don’t forget that.
Yeah, good job. The more people secure from government, the less control they have. Privacy is a value we have to keep fighting for, don’t forget that.
And the worst thing it will change literally NOTHING for terrorism and child abuse. Terrorists will just use PGP and only honest people will get spied by political pigs.
To czy będzie czy nie to wiedzą tylko najbardziej wpływowi, a nie Ty. A że przeklinasz na UE jasno pokazuje że nie masz zielonego pojęcia jak wiele korzyści z niej mamy. Prędzej UE powinno się pozbyć nas, niż my jej, bo to my jesteśmy największym jej beneficjentem. Temu też zawdzięczamy największy wzrost gospodarczy na świecie…a jaki wzrost mieliśmy kiedy wspaniałomyślne rusy tu były? Taki że żarcie trzeba było na kartki kupować, kto cwańszy to od dilera zachodniego coś kupił. Obudź się człowieku…przede wszystkim zacznij patrzyć w surowe dane, bo one jasno pokazują w jakim kierunku powinniśmy iść i fakty są takie że armię mamy do dupy, trzeba w końcu z tym zacząć coś robić bo Rosja tylko czeka aż NATO się rozpadnie i trzeba być naiwnym by tego nie widzieć.
No tak, to po co się w ogóle zbroić, przecież i tak nic to nie da…Jak się nie będziemy zbroić to nie skończymy jak Ukraina tylko gorzej, bo Ukraina już jakby nie było prowadzi wojnę przez 11 lat i ma doświadczoną armię, jedynie im sprzętu brakuje…a u nas? U nas się nawet nie mówi o tym co robić w sytuacji wojny, tylko NATO i NATO, srato, tak samo nas NATO wyrucha jak WB i Francuzy w 39.
Musimy w końcu zacząć się zbroić, a nie liczyć na innych. W końcu jesteśmy pierwsi w kolejce za ukrainą.
I’m disappointed…I tried to not care about this CEO supporting Trump, but come on…now they ditch Mastodon, tomorrow they close source their clients…I’m losing trust to them, I used to think about them as knights in this capitalist world, but well. As someone once said “You either live and die as a legend, or live long enough to become evil”. I don’t want it to happen but yeah, I guess we all gotta find a good replacement for Proton services, sad but it is what it is.
Its them just being idiots, like illegal activities will kedp going using old good pgp, and normies will get spied by political shit, as always…no privacy for honest people.
I don’t get how its supposed to work…they want to require messengers to include backdoors in their software? So when a program is FOSS, then you can literally just use it knowing there is no backdoor…also, what blocks you from using a server in different country? Wtf that even means…
I used to think session is a way to go, but now…well simplex is literally all you need for communication with anyone
I think I found the solution…just be a confident badass no matter what, be strong, sarcastic, show your power to others so they think you have good life, that you are the leader
The thing is, bluesky is just old twitter, it will become X eventually…Bluesky sucks, but jessus, mastodon sucks in terms of usability. Its only for technical people and experience on mastodon is fatal compared to bluesky, sad that mastodon won’t take over, as it could…at least bluesky is not bad YET.
Well android is a mess because of google services, I haven’t tried grapheneos though…My experience with android is that I have even less control than over windoze
Every mechanic does not know how to fix x11, and cannot fix it without extensive knowledge.
I’d better be a “fucking nerd” that invented all that shit that you use now, than a fucking idiot who doesn’t ever use brain and probably lives in a fucking america. But I like how so many kids think communism is good, when they live in a democratic freedom country. Read some books, use this technology for something else instead bullshit, as you don’t know the world yet.
Oh so you are more like “If I kill a man and run away to Russia, that means Russia is the good guy here, because I won’t take any consequences”, I think this topic is pretty undefined here, like many people may have different opinion on that, wheter a company should cooperate with government. But the thing is Deepseek has to coop, they have no option, and Deepseek is on the enemy side for us - west, thats why giving them data is like giving them money, data is money, you want China to get bigger, or your country? If you localhost, yeah it is far more better than any ClosedAI, but people don’t do that, therefore you should be against using deepseek app and website if you care about interesr of your country.
Yeah, the same goes for global warming “if I burn these tires nothing happens, like its not any warmer here”, and then everyone does that and everyone loses on that.
I’m against any banning. Not even X or Facebook.