Whatever excuses you have to tell yourself in order to keep voting for democrats go for it because no matter what I say here you will pull out some canned democrat response that they programmed you into believing as to why real change can’t happen.
Republicans are carrying out the will of their voters and making it look extremely easy meanwhile while Hakeem Jeffries is going around saying “There’s nothing we can do, it’s their government.”
Hugely inspiring.
This has a better chance at working if it’s addressed to Santa Clause.
As long as we keep asking democrats to solve problems we deserve what we get. They have proved incompetence regularly since the Obamacare public option blunder (and longer than that) when the opportunity was there to make radical change.
When they hold office, they have no power. When they are out of office they cry about the power the other side has magically found. They always vote resoundingly in favor of war, lowering taxes on the rich/corporations, and their own salary increases while giving us all the parliamentarian middle finger.
And no you are not taking over or changing the party as it’s owned by the people who don’t want to help you.
Time to start fresh.