funnily enough, i’m not really sure that based on this medicore whites can necessarily rest easier. the university of california system stopped affirmative action policies in the 90s but since then, the white population has actually made losses rather than gains in being admitted to the university of california. for example, for ucla, it looks like the percentage of whites admitted has never gone back to 1995 (during affirmative action) levels. i think the individual implementation of these post-affirmative action policies by the educational establishments seems to be the real make or break here.
i wonder what kind of tangible effect this will have overall, given how opaque and discretionary college admissions standards are in the first place. if an institution wanted to, couldn’t class-conscious policies geared towards underrepresented geographies and first generation college students achieve a similar outcome while skirting the ruling on race explicitly?
going out for brunch and nails with a friend tomorrow so doing various errands today before my partner and i veg out on the couch to some edibles (for him, i’m not allowed rn bc of health stuff unfortunately) and a movie. should be nice!
thank you so much!! haha it’s based on a song… my last night in LA was much more tame, just museums and korean food.
it’s crunchy, and it’s so much more convenient than peeling it off every time…
as an omnivore dating a vegetarian who doesn’t eat meat for ethical reasons i am so, so excited!!!
fish heads… they’re just so much cheaper than the rest of the fish and delicious in the air fryer. also i’ll eat the tails on shrimp.
style savvy announcement or i riot
salami chips?? i’ve never even considered this concept, fascinating… also i have a super bizarre pregnancy appetite going on right now so if it’s not a triple processed carbohydrate i’m considering it a huge health win haha
i only picked up 3 on a whim, haven’t played the rest, but based on the vids i’ve seen of 2 it does seem like more of the same.
my favorite thing is places that have a 20% gratuity automatically added to every bill to compensate employees fairly (i am begrudgingly accepting of this even though it should really just be on the menu price) but then have an extra line for tip on top of that. and sometimes that extra tip line calculates a tip for you based off of the already added 20% gratuity. insane.
that sounds so delicious and fresh!! thanks for the recipe : )
i always have cans of chickpeas on hand, can’t believe i haven’t made these before!!
happy first comment and thanks for the idea!! i love wings and definitely need to eat more carrots so def gonna give this a try.
korean egg rice: crack an egg into a bowl of rice and mix with sesame oil and soy sauce, microwave for 2 min, sprinkle some furikake on top if you’ve got it and you’ve got a solid comfort food in like 5 mins tops
well… i’m here and i have a 401k i check twice a week and a honda civic, so now?
poly bridge 3! very chill but still stimulating game where you get a variety of maps and scenarios to build bridges in. i did have to watch two hours of bridge building tutorials because my knowledge of physics is abysmal but if you passed a physics course in high school i doubt it’s nearly as challenging.
picked up yellowface by rf kuang and finished it the same day. recommended it to my partner, who also devoured it in three days.
highly recommend if you’re looking for an easy, juicy (in the way of reality tv, so a little anxiety inducing also) read that’s about ego, publishing, the literary establishment’s treatment of minority authors, the actual mechanisms of being cancelled, and the perils of being Extremely On Twitter. a very fun summer read.
i’m mourning it a bit, but to be honest i think it’s going to be a bit difficult for me to get off for a while until other places (aside from facebook, which i’d much prefer to avoid over the current iteration of reddit) have the same amount of niche communities. for example, i’m in a private pregnancy subreddit with other people with my same due date and it’s reallllly useful in comparing notes and feeling like i’m not going insane at any given symptom and i think it’ll take a while for a place like lemmy to have an audience big enough to build niche communities like that.
yup exactly!! there seem to be a lot of ways that this information is being oversimplified in misleading ways, especially given how opaque and complicated the college admissions systems already seems in its acceptance factors.
my other thought about all this is that all these talks about class- or race-conscious admissions at the top tier schools are a bit of a red herring… realistically the impact of these policies from a social mobility perspective is going to be much bigger from mid tier/more publicly accessible schools (eg: state schools).