Added to my dictionary!
I write English / Escribo en Español.
Vidya / videojuegos. Internet. Cats / Gatos. Pizza. Nap / Siesta.
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Added to my dictionary!
Regarding things like dockers and flatpaks, I mostly “solve” it by only running official images, or at least images from the same dev as the program, where possible.
But also IMO there’s little to no reason to fear when using things like flatpaks. Most exploits one hears of nowadays are of the kind “your attacker needs to get a shell into your machine in the first place” or in some cases evn “your attacker needs to connect to an instance of a specific program you are running, with a specific config”, so if you apply any decent opsec that’s already a v high barrier of entry.
And speaking of Debian, that does bring to mind the one beef I have with their packaging system: that when installing a package it starts the related services by default, without even giving you time to configure them.
Yeah! They were so close to start fixing things!
“liver spots”? ESL here so there’s idioms I don’t grok.
I don’t.
Yeah, hot take, but basically there’s no point to me having to keep track of all that stuff and excessively worry about the dangers of modernity and sacrifice the spare time I have on watching update counter go brrrr of all things, when there’s entire peoples and agencies in charge of it.
I just run unattended-upgrades
(on Debian), pin container image tags to only the major version number where available, run rebuild of containers twice a week, and go enjoy the data and media I built the containers and installed for software for.
Oh if only Proton could learn this power!
This sounds nice and all, but it’s 2025 and it still can’t migrate posts.
The screw-ups keep mounting like they want to be Google.
They (and we)'ve got to admit, the solution is not going to come from within their (managerial) ranks.
At this point I’d be happy to offer my services as a BDFL for Mozilla, at but a small fraction of the wages of any of their C-suites.
Measles? No no no, we’re talking America here, you mean
I don’t think mutual aid can work well like that on the internet. Works great in person,
That can be an incredibly privileged position to be in to say. Some people are in situations so bad in their meatspace life that “the random internet” is actually more trustworthy.
Careful! Might be a bobcat.
And this is not about the kink. It’s about the shitters in the video.
Have a portion of my taxes be set to pay for fediverse general stuff, or for the fediverse instances hosted on my own country. Honestly, with how important remaking the internet is this should be being managed at the level of the big payers, not at the level of individual payers for whom a donation has more fees attached than the donation amount itself…
That would increase so much the costs of keeping my phone operating that I’d have to set up an obligatory payment system.
Unsubstantiated claim:
I’d say reality pretty cleanly substantiates this.
¡Siempre hay un chileno!
(Curiosamente no tengo cuenta en la instancia de Chile. Debería arreglar eso.)
Aaaah, a fellow Batman Beyond enjoyer!
If you download the nightly build #5652,
How does one download this? I visited the page but the named artifacts (linux-amd64 etc) don’t show as links.
Heck, it probably can be done with a regex. (Yeah, I know)
There’s no need to kill three forests just to do the exact same work you could have done by opening your dataset in Excel.
It could be conditioned to revision. If you want to have your posts moved, they would be checked over by the moderation at server B.
But the fact that not even that is an option in the first place means this is a nonstarter for anyone who is interested in keeping the history of their presence.