That phrase comes from people who are either stuck in the closet, or in denial about their own sexuality. It is just one of the many byproducts of a society that still insists on considering that being straight is the only “normal” way of being.
Trans woman and amateur writer.
Tumblr: ladyscarecrow
My free novel: https://archive.org/details/book_20240528
That phrase comes from people who are either stuck in the closet, or in denial about their own sexuality. It is just one of the many byproducts of a society that still insists on considering that being straight is the only “normal” way of being.
For the last time, girls don’t do this stuff for attention. People keep saying that because they don’t take sapphic relationships seriously.
It’s depressing that the original one was changed in the first place – our existence can’t even be acknowledged in a video game without people collectively freaking out… Well, at least they fixed it now.
I wish I could be the chaos activist but my bed is soooo comfy
Except neither study is talking about the most the most common form of suicide. They’re both reporting higher rates of suicide among gun owners.
Me owning a gun doesn’t increase my likelihood to die
That’s literally what both studies are saying. From the first one:
Men who owned handguns were eight times more likely than men who didn’t to die of self-inflicted gunshot wounds. Women who owned handguns were more than 35 times more likely than women who didn’t to kill themselves with a gun.
From the second one:
in Wyoming, where 63 percent of households reported owning guns—rates of suicide were higher. The inverse was also true: where gun ownership was less common, suicide rates were also lower.
Also from the second source,
Studies show that most attempters act on impulse, in moments of panic or despair. Once the acute feelings ease, 90 percent do not go on to die by suicide.
People who own guns are at a much higher risk of suicide. Guns might make you feel safe, but in reality the most likely person to die from your gun is yourself.
I don’t think there were any bad intentions on OP’s end, but the highlighted claim that a person is female and therefore has this or that genitalia is indeed transphobic.
Someone’s probably going to show up and say “but it says ‘female’, not ‘woman’!” Well, “female” as an adjective referring to people already means woman. A female doctor is a doctor who is a woman. And “female” as a noun (e.g., “the females”) is a terrible way to refer to people, to begin with.