The butcher coming
The butcher coming
+1 for Solasta. I was playing it on Xbox with friends and loved it. There’s also the option for user made adventures I believe, which opens up so many possibilities.
I bought Terraria a few months ago while I was buying some other games on sale and it’s legit all I’ve been playing. I absolutely love this game for the depth of he crafting system and the cosmic horror themed bosses and setting. Really just the whole thing is so well crafted.
That’s unfortunate, I was honestly looking forward.to this
First of all skibidi toilet is amazing art.
Ah…I was under the assumption that I did, but probably not honestly. Either way, I shouldn’t really have to use one. The download manager for Firefox should just work.
I just recently did this and I’m experiencing issues with the download manager. I already ticked ‘external download manager’ but it had no effect.
The Long Dark
That’s it lads! Rock and Stone!
This is sea of thieves for me. I had a friend who was obsessed with it, but you’re basically required to dump multiple hours in to complete anything and even then … You could get your ship sunk and lose it all. It’s incredibly frustrating.
I’m interested, because I’m having the opposite experience. I can not for the life of me get my HP network printer to work with Debian. I’ve added it through CUPS, and it works well for a bit, but then after a few restarts I have to add it again.
This makes me so happy. I’ve been wanting to start a project to scrape fandom for a while so I can just have the info without accessing their godawful website. Any time I need info on something in a game I get hit with 5 results from fandom and some half-related articles in the search results.
That is way less common than you seem to think it is. Most online payments are fairly secure.
Just picked up Terraria and I’m loving it. I played Starbound a while back and read that it was more or less a spiritual successor to Terraria. Terraria has all the things I wanted to see from Starbound. The crafting system is so expansive. The difficulty is real though, I travelled through 2 biomes and hit something with large beetles and cave worms that chomped me to death. Zombies, floating eyes, and slimes were no problem. Same for the mobs in the desert, easy…but once I hit that 3rd biome I was in trouble, even with my metal armor.
I’m gonna agree that the first two are more or less forgotten/less discussed than the newer games.
Love the OG Ogre Battle. I played that game like crazy. I always appreciated how you could revisit locations for loot and battles.
I’m currently an operations supervisor in a regional distribution center. I started out on the floor, promoted up through the training program available, and now work in the shipping department. I honestly enjoy most parts of my job, particularly helping to problem solve in time critical situations. I did work in a more support related function before promoting, and I honestly preferred the workflow there. Operations can be kind of intense, and requires me to focus a lot more on the “accountability” piece of things than I would rather do sometimes. We recently got a new general manager whose focus is most definitely more on securing profits than managing retention and employee engagement, so you can guess what the main pressure on me generally is from my direct supervisors. Production, production, and more production. On top of that we have a slew of admin tasks stacked up weekly. We’re required to complete coaching sessions, audits, performance reviews, checks for missing product to reduce shrink, etc. All in all, I had a pretty good idea of what I was signing up for before I did it, but I really don’t feel like we get paid enough for what we do. I also genuinely feel like the associates don’t get paid enough for what we’re asking of them, but that isn’t necessarily something I can truly fight for being new in my role. On the plus side I only work three days a week, though they’re roughly 14 hour days. Then I have the whole rest of the week off!
Wooorrrkkiiinngg. I work weekend shift as a warehouse supervisor. Pretty much live there for three days but then I’ve got four days off.
Any links to things you can do with that JSON file? I don’t really know Java but it’d be cool to mess around with it in Python some. Searching “reddit python JSON” is obviously not very helpful.
Young me : because egg