The only band I wish I had the opportunity to see live is Hüsker Dü during the 80s.
November is quite cold where I’m at, we like to go hiking or skiing. Or staying in and watching movies. A nice dinner with friends? I hope I gave you at least one good idea what to do in November.
But you can go out and vote for a sociopath and genocide denier or for a racist rapist and when those clowns start killing and bombing some other people somewhere on the globe, you can just blame the Chinese or Icelanders for making you vote for a lesser evil…
Life’s good either way…
Ask the people in Gaza what they think about “Roe got overturned”.
After all said and nothing done, we are paying for those bullets that murder their children by accepting and even promoting a system that gives us braindead mouthpieces for weapon manufacturers to vote for.
Genocide light? Seriously?!? If the other guy is stupid, you are stupid+
There is no democracy if you are supporting genocide. There is no election worth voting on if the outcome is same fucking fascist, just with different colored flags. And don’t give me the lie how you’re gonna do something about a ‘genocide light’ if your guy is elected. Fuck off
This whole country needs to stop sucking Kissinger’s dick and change this bloodthirsty, greedy fascist system.
One of most played Summer '22 albums in my car… Normally I don’t like the Roy Orbison / Elvis Presley sound, but this album worked for me for some reason.
Yea, just read the wiki page. Didn’t know anything about them except they’re french. Another entitled POS, who should rot in a prison.
I’ll go with something current. ‘The Loveliest Time’ by Carly Rae Jepsen. People around me seem to like this album a lot…
For the rest, I’ll just bang some coconuts against each other to create sound. This way I’ll become the best tribute band for various classic works on the island. Everyone’s welcome!
All this… all this multi billion dollar development, all those ‘brains’, all the time and space a tech company occupies in it’s lifetime… just to force you to watch ads?
What a shitty society and what a shitty communication system we have, just because some morons want to earn some billions more…
There is no endgame when it comes to greed, those pricks will always want more.
I have no favorites on this album, I always listen to the whole album (almost 2hrs mind). If you like the opener, you might like the whole thing…
Her best album for sure.
I get what you’re saying, but I could listen to this song on an old Transistor radio and still think it’s the most beautiful song ever.
Ahoy matey. Quite a conundrum ya have there. Th’ winds be fair in times like this… may yer briny deep be bountiful!
Managing to squeeze at least one excursion on Hoxxes IV every morning before my gf wakes up.
Leave No Dwarf Behind!
It is not.
US governments should be tried for war crimes and other hijinks. Trump and his golf buddies Hillary, Obama and George and their respective Governments should be tried for drone bombing, civilian massacres (called Collateral damage when US military does it), concentration camps, carpet bombing, corruption on global level, one-sidedness in media reporting, history revisionism and similar fun activities. All paid by a bizarre, medicated, clueless, propaganda-fed nation that thinks a media-run and industry-sponsored dictatorship can be called an Empire, even though it has no cultural identity worth spreading or remembering. All the while calling it Democracy during the Superbowl halftime show while they sell you cheap shitty products and feed you industry high-grade sugar while you sing your national hymn and jerk off to Beyonce’s twerking… while saving the Amazon Forest and Hong Kong… and saving the Kurds and Palestinians (RIP)…
That would be the most important one. And a fun one!
I do agree, but there will always be people who downvote what they don’t like… I don’t care for downvotes because the post was for the people who upvoted it. Even 1 upvote means a lot more than thousands of downvotes.
I’ll always hate people who cause physical or emotional harm to others. I stopped listening to artists because of that. I understand that and think that the hate in this instance is more than adequate.
But, to hate someone or someones art because they are ‘famously super hateable dudes’ or ‘generally aren’t a cool band’ is something that I don’t understand. You could have the most punchable face in the universe, but if I like your art, I’m gonna enjoy it, and maybe, in time, learn to love your face too.
I understand, on the other hand, that some people don’t like certain music, and that’s fine. There are downvote buttons for that. I don’t like a lot of popular music, but I don’t hate it or the artist. I tend to ignore their art and in most cases the artist.
idk. Some people just don’t like their music I guess. I don’t mind downvotes, the echo-chambers and one-sidedness of these forums is not healthy…
I believe that without Hüsker Dü, there wouldn’t be alternative and indie music as we know it today. To this day the visceral sound of this band still feels transcendent… I also might be high, but I do love Hüsker Dü a lot.
was out of the loop on this one… I was devastated when I heard about the Daughters frontman, I loved their last album so much, but haven’t listened to it since… but, in this case, we at least got the wonderful Lingua Ignota.
I don’t know much about the people involved, never listened to BJM or Dot. Heard the song here and liked it.