Enlightenment was such a cool window manager. Shame the development pace was (and still is) slow and it never really took off.
Enlightenment was such a cool window manager. Shame the development pace was (and still is) slow and it never really took off.
Anyone found the “simplified python logo”?
Doesn’t this take up quite a lot of bandwidth if you have a lot of viewers?
Is IRC still that popular? I mean it’s all Discord and Matrix etc these days (not saying that’s a good thing, I f’in hate Discord)
What kind of channels are you in if I may ask?
Watched this in the cinema when I was a kid 👴
I think the vast majority of us condemn what Israel is doing. Unfortunately our government does not. Same goes for other European countries. Heck, Israel will probably “win” the eurosongfestival tomorrow.
I really liked Bad Company 2. After that, meh.
Apart from the fact that bubble 1 and 2 point to the wrong person.
You sound like you would be an awesome addition to any community really. I take it you went all in on this thing?
I’m not picking sides, defending anyone nor do I give a flying fuck about all this drama. I only shared my observations. As long as I can keep using Hyprland I’m happy. And if not, another cool tiling wm will popup. Bye!
Thanks. A lot of drama then. I’ve been in the discord and on github for a while and from that I can tell vaxry has a bit of a “personality”, as many good developers have. Nothing wrong with that. I like Hyprland a lot, I have been using it daily for 2 years or so and any bugs I reported got fixed really fast. In the end it is a solid project and that’s what really matters.
Let’s hope this thing blows over quickly.
Why does everything have to be a video these days ffs. What’s the tl;dr?
Ignore him. You would think people have something better to do but apparently creating an account just to trashtalk wayland is a thing. I’ve seen it before, probably the same dude.
Fuck Nvidia. I got myself a Shield so I could stream games from my pc to my livingroom and they just decided to pull that feature. Later they added ads to the home screen. These are things that can be worked around, but it’s just toxic practice in my opinion.
Never will I buy any Nvidia product again.
Yeah but according to the article it installs itself in .bash_profile.
Joke’s on them, I don’t use bash.
Seriously though, Linux will probably get targeted more frequently now that it is becoming more popular as a desktop OS.
Wayland on nvidia is perfectly stable. Been using Hyrpland without issues for the past year or so.
Critical minerals for the green energy transition. Do you really need to fuck up the seabed for this?
Ah, oil companies. Finding new ways to harm the environment while filling their pockets.
There are still some people doing commits but I think the original devs have moved on.