It’s because the police view themselves as a “team” that is basically ‘playing’ against the other team…everyone else. To them, this is a win and shows how good they are. It’s quite disturbing how indoctrinated they are and almost nobody realizes it.
It’s because the police view themselves as a “team” that is basically ‘playing’ against the other team…everyone else. To them, this is a win and shows how good they are. It’s quite disturbing how indoctrinated they are and almost nobody realizes it.
Eventually, but not right away I suspect.
We can still categorize a concept, even if the technology doesn’t exist in a useful state yet.
I was just future proofing my comment for things like this:
The DoD? No.
But I think you’re right that all energy forms should be nationalized. The only way humanity can continue to be the dominant species on earth is if we can declare a “war on pollution” and commit to it in the same way we could commit to actual war.
Fission and fusion reactors are really more like in-between renewable and non-renewable. Sure, it relies on materials that are finite, but there is way, way more of that material available in comparison to how much we need.
Making this distinction is necessary to un-spook people who have gone along with the panic induced by bad media and lazy engineering of the past.
Layer 8 issues occur all the time.
I think warp capability just means they’re guaranteed to find other life on their own now, so there’s no point in hiding.
The frighteningly low number of XCOM memes and references to come out of this debacle has me seriously concerned for the future of humanity.
Ehhhhh, you’re missing the human element. Humans do dumb shit all the time. You can’t stop someone from reading something with their eyeballs, remembering it in their meat brain, and using their sausage fingers to type it back into something unsecured. Odds are still low of course, but I wouldn’t be so confident.
Those are things you can do, sure. But it won’t make a difference. That’s the whole point.
Interesting game, the only way to win is to not play.