Honestly, the game might not be for you. I had a similar experience with it. I kept thinking it would change up a gear at some point but it never does.
Floating around in that ship and reading bits of text is basically all you do.
Honestly, the game might not be for you. I had a similar experience with it. I kept thinking it would change up a gear at some point but it never does.
Floating around in that ship and reading bits of text is basically all you do.
I’ve got a better idea, let’s just ban human beings!
I tried a couple of others and they both worked fine, I just stuck with openvpn. Eddie was the only one I had trouble with.
Haven’t tried wireguard so can’t comment on that but I suspect it will work just fine.
I’ve been using airvpn for 5 years or so and can confirm the port forwarding works for me.
I had trouble with their vpn client app (eddy or Eddie I think it’s called) so I just switched to the OpenVPN client and have had zero problems since then.
I’m gonna preface this comment by saying none of the games I mention below are bad games, in fact I think they’re very good games… they just weren’t for me.
The Outer Wilds:
I’m probably gonna take some flack for this one! I was SO looking forward to this game, I’d heard such great things about it.
I played it for around 10-15 hours, all the while thinking to myself ‘any time now this game will open up and I’ll get to the main meat of the game.’ I slowly came to the realisation that this wasn’t going to happen and that the game wasn’t going to change gear or anything. Ultimately I found the game boring.
The game is about exploration and piecing together a story, unfortunately I found the story dull and consequently didn’t care about piecing it together. Im also one of those gamers that often quick clicks through dialogue, I just want the gist of what’s being said. I want to ‘play’ a game, I don’t want to ‘read’ a game. I have books for that.
I also didn’t enjoy the exploration, I found it tedious. Now that’s strange for me… I love exploration games. I’ve wondered about this and I think the reason I didn’t enjoy exploration in the out wilds is the art style. The ‘cutesy’ art style just left me cold. None of the locations filled me with awe or wonder. I never got that feeling of ‘I wonder what’s over there!’ like I do in other exploration games.
Red Dead Redemption:
I’ve tried to play this game 3 times now. Each time I get so far and just stop…. It just bores me!
On paper this should be exactly the type of game I love, but for some reason I just don’t. I’ve thought long and hard about this game, why does it fail to keep me engaged? I’ve come up with a couple of potential reasons.
Colours. This game can be very mono chromatic. It’s often all dull greys and browns and I genuinely think that does play a part in me finding my time in the game dull also.
Getting around. Travel is tedious in this game and there’s a lot of it. It’s walking or horses.
The map. The map is large, but a lot of it is empty and looks the same.
Missions. I often found them a chore and quite repetitive.
I’m kind of still on the fence about this game, I still wonder if there’s a hump to get over and then the game opens up…. But I fear there isn’t.
This one is my fault. I don’t like fps games and didn’t realise that’s what this game was. I thought it was more puzzle solving and exploration.
I like the story and I like the art style but ultimately it’s a ‘pew pew pew’ game, which isn’t fun for me.
Sounds like a cult!
Yep, seeing it too, and weird gaps in the feed too.
Yeah, I can’t step out my front door without being murdered, it’s just murder and death all day long. I must’ve been killed at least a dozen times today.