You’ve never worked in IT or any business. Trust but verify and to assume no knowledge, especially when giving a comprehensive guide like that.
I’ve also edited my comment with a couple of guides that back up my statement
Creator of Content, Code, and Coffee
Current Game:
You’ve never worked in IT or any business. Trust but verify and to assume no knowledge, especially when giving a comprehensive guide like that.
I’ve also edited my comment with a couple of guides that back up my statement
I don’t know why you came after my comment so harsh on the first thing I mentioned. I understand its your guide that you created and put time into but take the criticism when you can because it will only make it better. Your guide doesn’t state any of what you just stated it just tells people to use alcohol.
at some point it was told to me to not use alcohol and that is still a true statement but it seems if you do use rubbing alcohol you need to make sure its 70 at the very most.
you should also probably state that the user should use a fine microfiber close to suede like not the fluffy kind.
I am done with this circle jerk. there is not right or wrong between us as we are both correct there is just one thing to make sure is update the guide to reflect what you wrote above.
Good for you, everyone has “their” tried and true. I don’t give a crap if you do photography, I have done design and photography for 10+ years in my free time and unless you are using color accurate monitors you will always have pixel discoloration to some degree.
I came at you with the same energy that you came at me with. You are however missing the point.
Rubbing alcohol is diluted alcohol and manufactures, especially if you are using glossy screens, recommend that you don’t use alcohol or rubbing alcohol.
I can say from experience not all monitors react the same but it shouldn’t be in a recommend guide and if it is going to be in a guide helping people then it should have a note stating that you shouldn’t always use alcohol and the risk that come with it. Working in the tech industry for over 15+ years we haven’t recommend using alcohol on monitors since CRT monitors. The risk isn’t worth the reward and the user should always start with just plain water in a mist bottle and a microfiber.
Be careful when you don’t fact check what you are spewing out.
Any type of alcohol on any type of LCD or modern panel screen can cause the screen to discolor or damage the screen. Any amount of alcohol hasn’t been recommended since the late 2000s. Even manufactures DO NOT recommend any type of alcohol or rubbing alcohol.
Using alcohol, rubbing alcohol, or bleach can leave permanent scars on your screen and or ruin your monitors screen coating.
Edit: alcohol is alcohol, don’t use it ever on a modern display.
For those about to read this you should not use alcohol “anything above 70 percent” on monitors.
TLDR: OP’s guide said to use alcohol, I disagreed. Comments felt harsh and condescending to me. I replied just as harsh and it became a breif circle jerk of arguing about alcohol or water. In the end I realize that I am semi wrong and op in the comments were right is write but their guide was wrong and doesn’t list any of the addition information he put in the comments below.
How to clean screens:
Ben Q Monitors Guide
Zd Net’s guide on cleaning monitors
Sounds like the website developers fault and not the browser. So it probably still works great.
Thanks! I was actually just wondering what it would take to do this the other day
Alot of apps are waiting on kbins API as it wasn’t created and it currently still being worked on -been following in dev chat on elements and codeberg
I don’t know how technical you are but it looks likes this is a security token api to validate the trust of the environment. I believe that google is trying to propose a universal standard for everyone to use.
I think Firefox is standing negative because they want choice not 1 standard. This is the best I can do without going down a rabbit hole
Edit: link to another post
ngl I forgot that Swappa was a thing. THANKS!
And that is to signup with your mastodon at least for now, if memory serves me correctly
Was thinking about joining the club but then realized I missed the summer sale by about a day 🙃
I guess most that will use YouTube music will see it as a convenience type thing. If I was in say android auto and my default search is on YouTube music being able to have it just play the podcast I was looking for would be very convenient.
Maybe op has an automation to disable mobile data when on certain Wi-Fi. But the battery is unexcused 🤣
agreed I have just noticed that phones usually degrade over time when it comes to signal. I don’t know the exact reason.
You could also have battery is noticablely worst after 2 years, also one argument most people don’t realize is that the antenna technology starts to receive less of a signal (from past experience and from what I heard I don’t know how scientific it is)
That is so clean. What switches is on it?
This actually makes a lot of sense and I am surprised that there isn’t a lot of government already doing it. That and celebrities. It’s basically instant verification.
This for sure. I have no idea what it is… A kissing sim maybe
Isn’t this also the bill that could screw up encryption too?