I’ve gotten emails with unsubscribe links pointing to “http://localhost/…”
not sure if it helps them avoid being considered spam or maybe misconfiguration.
I’ve gotten emails with unsubscribe links pointing to “http://localhost/…”
not sure if it helps them avoid being considered spam or maybe misconfiguration.
If any loyal Reg readers have built a Pi-hole allow-list to whitelist El Reg and its sister sites, do please let us know in the comments.
block others but spare our sites.
When it comes to personal privacy, you shouldn’t use anything you didn’t vet and compile yourself. And yet, privacy “enthusiasts” always expect someone else to do the hard thing for them. With so much “support” for opensource, here we are, with so little options.
The company will always protect itself and Mozilla is no different. They are doing great work with the browser but their management is a different story. These lazy kneejerk reactions are typical of who contribute the least are always the loudest.
It means less coming from a youtuber (both in these instance), who do things for enragement/appeasement and ultimately for money.
reddit was just another pligg/elgg (open source link aggregator/social media cms at that time) clone trying to eat into the diggs market. and yes, reddit was open source too.
But unlike the fragmented open source alternatives, reddit had a marketing budget and lured in most of the users.
The cow is ready for milking and you are the cow.
A country that’s known for pillaging/genociding the native, using slavery and ravaging other countries for profit is now pillaging the one’s they convinced are living in the “greatest country in the world”.
shocked_pikachu_face.jpg. -People in the US
If you really look into Indian independence, Gandhi had fuck all to do with it. The british lost a lot in the war and they were making concessions. They already had extracted, exploited, and starved the poor and didn’t want the overhead of managing large colonies anymore.
That is why the british marked their borders, that is why they still use british governance, that is why the ruling class are still the ones from high caste and status that helped British subjugate the lower class/caste during their rule.
And all that is why there’s still a lot of corruption and class/gender/caste/religion conflicts. They just got new sheep in wolf’s clothing.
It wasn’t some grassroots movement that won over by peace and protest. It was a hand me down.
so it’s just wants to go where it was made and swim with the dolphins.
they have to appeal to dumbest of followers, so a word salad of this sort is expected to project sense of accomplishment to far reaches of USA.
yee haw, so much winning
It has gotten to a point where the most vocal open source “enthusiasts” don’t know a thing about code, software development, or complexity of a project, and it shows.
it’s always about “someone else please do this thing for me, for free”
as always ycombinator corpbros defending harsh worker treatment in the comments.
absolute worst place to complain about worker rights.
The return of the forum signatures, whether you like it or not.
Mines going to be an ad from NordVPN and maybe Apex Legends? I wonder what’s their rate like? 🤷♂️
The good ol’ times.
-for most of the USA
you can’t rip people off their habits with a snap of a finger. The bot provides a bridge until there’s more user generated content. same with lemmit.online.
In time, maybe their use will decrease and become irrelevant, but that’s not the current state of things.
is there something like this for minetest/luanti?
US War Crimes!
bUt oRaNgE mAn iS wOrSe.
Why do you think he acts like he rules the world, you wankers? cuz you’ve defended your presidents from any consequences, forever.
But, now you have a problem?
How does it feel like to taste your own medicine?
somebody’s been digging up dirt on rust and this is all they could find. lmao
They want to do what Russia did to Ukraine. Invade with a false pretense.
I will help my country oppress and kill brown people, on command, for made up reasons, as long as they pay… surely it will take care of me “for the service”
get fucked