Unfortunately, people keep swallowing garbage changes on cell phones. Before, phones had removable batteries, cheap screen replacements, sturdier bodies, etc. since upgrading your phone from a 512 MB RAM to a 1GB RAM cell phone actually made a difference in performance. Now, my almost 5 year old pixel 3a can do everything my pixel 7 does. Companies saw the writing on the wall and started forcing customers to upgrade by crippling phones. Again, unfortunately, many just don’t notice that their iPhone 6S, Samsung S6, Pixel 3 XL, insert_4yr_phone was the peak in needed performance and didn’t need to be replaced. By then, removable batteries are phased out, micro SD are phased out, headphone jacks are started to be phased out, etc.
Governments fear mongering people into doing what they say. Shutting down people’s lives from fear of death from Covid, a government sanctioned and authorized “pandemic”. Now, it’s normal for governments to dictate people’s lives. Lame.