I get this reference
I get this reference
Thanks for the TL;DR
You press Caps Lock more than return. Do you do a lot of shouting in the comments section?
I am genuinely interested in what you use it for. i assume it a programming things I’m not aware of.
Car sickness while eating a blueberry nutrigrain bar and now I can’t eat anything with cooked blueberries. I used to love eating blueberry muffins.
Fairphone dropped the 3.5mm jack too :(
Based on the molecule map thing green and purple are still iron based.
Why stop there. Can we stop letting people fight even if they want to?
Well that might be a game changer for me. Lack of Android Auto stopped me using Graphene in the past. I hope it’s reliable.
I like that we are moving to a place where they both exist. It’s like Tux is the logo and Xenia is the mascot. Or Tux the representation of the software and Xenia the representation of the users.
Seems reasonable to change your first name to make your life more convenient, but unless people encounter these names, they’ll never used to saying them.
In the UK it takes knowledge to know how to pronounce Irish names but one you’ve met a few Siobhans and Eoins you get used to it.
There is an element of historical oppression here though. Some people choose to use an Irish spelling because, well, the English keep trying to erase other cultures. That example didn’t work out as well as I thought it would.
I really hope it’s a perspective trick because that indicates some real thought on the part of the scammer. They intentionally made something that while technically true, is misleading, but possible to photograph without revealing the scam.
They chose not to after researching options. Pretty sure they decides account portability was a key feature needed and AP doesn’'t do this. As in taking your account and all your posts and data witj you to a new server. I assume there is a technical reason why this would be very difficult to add to AP/Mastodon otherwise they could have just added it themselves.
Anyone else here nostalgic for installing MIUI on their nexus 5?
I’m guessing the joke here is that due to iPhones having text and icons in the same places on many screens this leads to more cases of Screen Burn-in. The image shows an iPhone displaying a white image that then highlights this fault with the phone and the title makes a joke comparing these always visible marks on the screen to the ‘always-on’ feature where the screen displays information even when the screen is ‘off’.
I’m interested in a framework laptop for the environmental perspective, but I also think a pre-owned high end device would be faster and with smaller impact.
Was talking about this with a friend last night who struggled through their whole degree thinking they were being academically challenged when really they should have been asking for support with their mental health. We never tell students how hard it should be to learn the next thing and when something has actually gone wrong.
Postmarketos boots on fp5 but lots if things are not yet working. I think, the main contributor is a Fairphone employee https://wiki.postmarketos.org/wiki/Fairphone_5_(fairphone-fp5) I can’t find LineageOS development progress, but Murena look like they will be selling the fp5 with e/os which is customised LineageOS, so its probably making progress.
Nice video, would have been cool to see how they acted once fired.
What kind of minerals are needed? Can you find earth that feels like clay but won’t fire nicely? Or do the required minerals also give those plastic properties you can see in earth?
Interesting to see a client with an non hostile algorithm. It would be cool if algorithms where separate the clients and you could choose to use Quiblrs sorting method on another app.