Then don’t use sync
Then don’t use sync
You’re welcome
I thought he was a libertarian, maybe? I used to listen to the podcast years ago but I feel like it got more political, he leaned more right, got more popular, repeat, until it was the number 1 podcast but idk
Same, I was on connect for a few weeks. Got sync today and I already like it better
Not for all ailments, but for this yes.
I recommend checking out the CDC information or numerous other studies on Lyme disease and taking your own position rather than blindly excepting a random article on social media as truth and the only acceptable opinion.
Most patients can be cured by antibiotics 2-4 weeks of treatment
There were 9 reported deaths in the US from lyme disease from 1985 to 2018.
Edit: Lol at people actually down voting verified sources. I apologize if your opinions do not match with researched facts.
Let’s be real here. Do we really need a vaccine for this? An estimated 200k people get this per year. It is almost never fatal. People can go years without even knowing or being diagnosed with Lyme disease.
I am not anti-vax, but A LOT of people clearly are. Maybe we should spend more time focusing on treatment or symptom reduction for those afflicted than vaccines and prevention for all people over non life threatening diseases.
Your phrasing on this post was confusing af. The other poster clarified it and then you just made it confusing af again with this response. Thanks
I’m in the same boat. I’ve still got an S10 from launch, although it’s noticeably wearing down in performance now. I’ll wait to the holiday season to see if I can get a deal on a new Samsung. At that point I’ll have used the s10 for almost 5 years. Used to get a new phone every other year but that’s not needed or wanted now.
Yea, idk if I’m doing this right but I subscribed to a lot of duplicates but on different instances. My hope was that gives me more content I’m interested in to look through easily. Then I do what you said, ignore posts if I’ve already seen them and comment anywhere.
You’re being downvoted but I agree with you. This man is a garbage human and don’t agree with him on anything politically, but I don’t understand how anyone can put themselves above others and revel in another person’s suffering. I say this as a McConnell hater, but I may also be biased. I had a stroke at 30, which caused epilepsy from the damage later. It fucking sucks and I couldn’t wish that on anyone.
Idk if it’s an upgrade but I switched to Jockey. They are comfier but do not last that long.
The real upgrade is Bomba socks though. I’ll ask for those every Christmas.
Idk if I would call him any kind of Moderate
The “Fuck Spez” is much smaller when you view the whole thing :(
You’re close I think it is black with a white X or gray X
I thought they already announced they’re going with usb-c on the new iPhone.
Kentucky Kings
Sign me up for that. I’m pretty much a centrist that strictly votes Democrat these days because I have no better options.
I’d love if both parties split. Far left, center left, center right, and far right. I still think more Americans lie somewhere in the middle than social media and the news try to make us think.
No don’t do that!