Literally came here to say plastic. That’s the one.
Literally came here to say plastic. That’s the one.
Haha yeah this reminds me of the A.I super computer in China that was dismantling the idea that the CCP is a good idea, and giving democracy a glowup in the process. I heard that they shut that whole thing down after that, but this is all hearsay.
Musk as a complete idiot, but gotta say that’s savvy. You don’t have to be smart to be ruthless.
I can’t game when I get home because I have a partner to emotionally take care of by spending time with her and strengthing our bond. Sure I bitch about it sometimes, but I’m also not 14 anymore and have different priorities.
EDIT: That’s not to say I don’t game, but I have to be a lot more selective and realistic with when and for how long I do it, and that’s fine by me. Relationships are more important than videogaming dopamine hits.
“Most humans are inherently lazy.” Do you have any scientific data to back up what appears to be a heroically sweeping generality?
I can’t wait to see all the Alex Jones, Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson A.I.-likes.
I really hope the trolls put those people’s (and others like them) likenesses in compromising positions using A.I. fuckery.
Ding ding ding! The same reason we believe that our planet is more than an insignificant mote of dust in the vast dark void of chaos.
Really well said. The definition of art could be argued ad infinitum, and nobody will be any closer to an answer. What is a fact, is that at it’s core art requires a recipe, and each element can be interchangeable, whether it is colors, perspective, medium, tools, pressure, speed, shapes, etc etc, & with A.I., it is just a streamlined process like you said, of taking these elements and mixing them in novel ways. The argument that A.I. could never match human art is such bullocks since as we all know, there is nothing wholly new. It is all recycled content at this point, with variations and arguably, A.I., will be able to add and subtract for those variations a lot faster than humans ever could.
Good bot.
Nice thumbnail
Bro, not everybody is a morning person. I appreciate you sharing what works for you, but for one if OP does in fact have ADHD, that comes with insomnia sometimes so it is unlikely they’ll be getting up early, and if they do, they won’t want to do jumping jacks or take a morning shower regardless of the temp. Also, breakfast is hit or miss too because people with ADHD also have symptoms of depression and anxiety so they’re stomachs won’t be prepared for that probably.
Don’t overthink it. That helps me. Obviously match your phrasing to the situation like if it needs to be formal, be formal, but if not then just write it out and send it.
If I am trying to get things done (write emails) do important research, ya know that kind of thing, I sprinkle in the things I want to do like procrastinate on lemmy, look up random shit, eat a snack, and then get back to the work at hand
This is kinda random advice and I dunno if it will help, but if you want to increase your pain tolerance try doing a polar bear swim. Just make sure you have someone with you, you have somewhere warm to retreat to a towels and fresh dry clothes and that you do it in a temperature tjat isn’t too overwhelmingly cold. Like 40 or 50 degrees probably is the limit for it if you have never done it before because if it is too cold you can go into shock and get hypothermia, but yeah. If you want to start slower just dunk your hand into a bucket of ice water. Over time you will get used to it and will be able to do it for longer periods.
When I was super down in different times of my life, I would sleep in my work clothes that way I would wake up and be on time for work. So yeah… this can be pretty effective.
This is covered in a lot or depression literature, where you need to literally rewire your brain to defeat the attempt to reach homeostasis, which has become a depressed state. Little positive actions and thoughts that eventually rewire the neural pathways and create new ones little by little. If you want to learn more about that, the technical side made very understandable by a psychologist and neuroscientist who specializes in depression and anxiety, you should check out “The Upward Spiral”. It’s really good and i highly recommend it. It has helped me start the healing and coping process.
Come again? What is it doing to the gut biome? Disrupting the normal functioning? Artificial sweeteners are a very broad category so which ones are we talking about? Aspartame specifically or others? Is Stevia aka erythritol on the table here or what? I am genuinely curious because I am A. Interested in nutrition and the effects of processed foods on the human body, but also because I’m a biology major and want to know more about stuff like this for research purposes…