No dogs but the other two most recent cats in the family are all the same. They love the belly rubs and never attack your hands. Lol just lucky I guess
Yeah, he is such a character too. I really miss his chaotic energy in the house. He was always getting into goofy situations, racing through the house at incredible speed or going crazy with one of the cat toys. We got him as a kitten in early November 2021. My phone keeps showing me photo memories or slide shows with pics of him and making me regret the decision to let him go… But the peeing all over was getting so bad that I was almost nose blind to it and I’d have to go around with a black light to find where he had peed. Plus, Noki is getting kinda old (13ish) and it wasn’t fair for him to be getting bullied and chased around.
Sadly we had to re home the little guy 😢 We spent thousands on vet bills trying to figure out why he was peeing everywhere and picking on the senior cat Noki. After removing all his teeth due to stomatitis, things got better for a while but he started up again. The vet said there was nothing physically wrong with him, he was just overly territorial. I cried like a baby the day we went to drop him off and I miss him so much, but after he peed all over the third cat tree I’d bought in 6 months I just had to face the fact that he needed to be in a single cat household.
Those eyes! Magnificent looking kitty😻
My mom’s work. She pumps those things out as fast as extended family can pump out babies. Lol
Hahaha! Amazing edit. Thank you❤️
I love that your cited source is your wife.
I built a $2000 PC during the early pandemic days. Now I sit on my bed 5 feet away from that PC and play steam deck.
My grandpa had a million one liners, most were somewhat inappropriate but here’s a fun one. He’d say, “Did anyone get hurt in that wreck?” To any of my friends that drove over. When they inevitably asked “what wreck?” He’d say, “the one you pulled up in.” This was devastating to the ones who were super proud of their cars. Lol
Awesome, I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!
Hahaha. Yeah I really lucked out with all three of these dudes. Bandit loves to sit with me but never ON me. Usually between the legs or squished up next to the outside of a leg. Noki is mostly the same but it’s not as common. Scooter will walk all over you for a few minutes and get pets but then he likes to go lay down just out of reach. He likes his space. Oh and they are all super chill about belly rubs, no traps just legit belly rubs. Lol
It’s Axiom Verge, maybe Axiom Verge 2? This picture is from last winter and I played both, one after the other so I’m not sure which it was. Both are great if you enjoy Metroidvania style games.
Not like, all the time but fairly often. Especially if one is sleeping and another comes to snuggle up, there will usually be some chirp/trill talking while they get settled.
All 3 of my cats like it but Noki REALLY likes it. I pat him as hard as you would a large dog and he just purrs and leans into it.
It’s not just you. I just tried to download it and it said the same thing. I’m on an ipad mini 6 with ipadOS 16.6
Milo is great. We need more content creators like him debunking the constant stream of conspiracy and misinformation. Like he says in this video, the real conspiracy is playing out right in front of our eyes.