Boulderer, economist-in-training, and avid reader of fantasy and sci-fi. Living in the Netherlands.
@Curated_Android Samsung A52 5G. Solid phone for the price.
@koorool @mikestevens Tab S6 Lite (2022) is the budget winner hands down.
@Chadsmo The general public falls for the marketing scams that they use, why shouldn’t I root for them to be kicked out of Europe by… *checks notes*… e-waste prevention legislation?
@reclipse Good! Stop e-waste
@stappern The fact that it’s completely unrelated to what was posted. Get some help. You clearly need it.
“Have you even opened the link? It’s in the freaking title, the study is about the impact on mentally ill people, and whether having a pet helps (apparently it doesn’t, but the sample size is quite small, so idk). Nothing to do with how animals are treated.”
Funny how you ignored what was said to you. Almost like you’re a fucking lunatic.