And Harris was hamstrung by Biden.
She could have been better.
And Harris was hamstrung by Biden.
She could have been better.
Heck. Can we just do that anyway? Bikes (and ebikes) are the future. Anything else is borrowing from our future to pay the past.
Democracy now doesnt have ads, so YOU are the sponsor.
Edit: oh is that the law: “if theres a question in the headline, the answer is no” and here the answer is yes. Sorry, I was a bit thrown off by your second part.
Yeah. They want to destroy government.
Democracy now is doing excellent coverage of palestine. Also the majority report.
Maybe. But if people had the sqme amoubt of screen time and wqlked or biked, or took public transit there would be more forced interaction than there is in car culture.
I think they go hand in hand. And right now we got both.
Oh youre right. The stem is up.
Im still pealing my banana the way I was taught (backwards)
Ok, this is the first one I downloaded.
Just pull out the brown thing and it tastes fine.
Maybe. I dont think the memes are really that effective promoting any kind of material change.
We’re already past the election, and Trump is riding high as a “very popular” politician.
Anything the Left says is basically ignored.
Think about how effecrive they could have been before the election.
Instead the Dems played patty cakes with the republican party.
I have conversations with my spouse sometimes where I am asking for information, and she reads me the article.
I can read it myself! What did you find interesting?
When somene pays for me, I dont quibble about splitting it even. I use it as a bench mark, but I assume somsone else wont pay.
Also I know theres times I’ve screwed up and didn’t give the fair amount (moatly due to not thinking or being aware of costs), so I try to bump it up and do a bit extra from now on.
Ugh. I know I’m more accepting. And disgusted by it :(
I was excited qbout Kamala back when she grilled Biden, but then she got tame, and was tampered down by the Biden admin.
Its Biden’s fault.
He could have ran on it more. Trump understands the art of putting his name on the checks.
Call Americans stupid, and we are, but I wish the party that was helping people was a bit more grandious and better about messaging then they are.
No, trust but verify.
Idk why that makes me foolish.
She was the 4th most progressive candidate still in the 2020, solidly mid of the primary field, with some really terrible candidates behind her, and some really good candidates ahead of her.
I think she could have been the best president since Carter, but she certainly didnt run like it.
But again, none of this really matters.