I must be OOTL, how is the ok symbol ruined?
I must be OOTL, how is the ok symbol ruined?
I have this weird habit of buying the less popular but arguably better thing. I went with windows phone, a nook instead of a kindle, an zune mp3 player, and a Mustang MachE instead of a Model Y. That last choice might have been the only one that ultimately paid off.
I think the majority of this is ATBGE. I believe except for a room or two that the previous owner was very happy with the way things looked. I just don’t think anyone else wants to live with those vibes and the cost of renovating that to something more generally appealing is going to be outrageous.
I know which side I’d be on, just not sure which side my government will be.
Would these be used for military purposes, or for VIP transportation?
Either way I don’t think any current EV platform is suitable, but the Rivian R1S or delivery van might be the closest.
GM actually might be in the best position. They need to electrify Suburbans anyway. They could easily adapt the Silverado platform to suburbans, or the hummer EV to more of an H1 type and then work on armoring them up. But their CEO isn’t pulling the president’s strings like Tesla’s is, so what we’ll end up with it’s a shit ton of government money spent on a product no one will actually want to use.
The person on my left whispers about equality, and the benefits of social safety nets. The person on my right yells lies that equality means I have to give up things, and that social safety nets will be abused by people who want to steal the fruits of my labor. The person behind me (financially) says nothing, they’re too busy just trying to live. The person ahead of me points to the person behind getting food stamps and screams “how dare they take your taxes” while they quietly steal the actual fruit of my labor.
Any time leftism gets loud enough to get enough attention to appeal to anyone, rightism is already loudly complaining about the noise. If one doesn’t think about it too much, all they’ve heard is negativity about the left and positivity about the right. Call it brainwashing, gaslighting, or indoctrination, but rarely do the facts of both sides come to play. You have to work to find the truth of leftism while also working to ignore the bullshit being screamed from the right.
IMO Android is worse unless you really tinker with it. Most people don’t even know how to side load an app, much less root and degoogle. Many people don’t know to buy carrier unlocked phones or can’t afford to. The last android I used had several carrier apps forced onto it, unable to be removed, including apps I refuse to use like Facebook, which I’m sure the carrier got a kickback to force on us. Then the carrier decided no more updates despite the manufacturer releasing more major updates.
Most people just don’t know or care enough to do what should be done with an android phone. They just want a device to call and text on that can also crush candy or whatever other distraction they prefer.
Kind of wish we went with more tradesmen-like titles. Apprentice, journeyman, master. Master software developer sounds like we have honed our craft. Junior/senior just seems like a length of time.
Exactly, the jr dev that could write anything useful is a rare gem. Boot camps cranking out jr dev by the dozens every couple of months didn’t help the issue. Talent needs cultivation, and since every tech company has been cutting back lately, they stopped cultivating and started sniping talent from each other. Not hard given the amount of layoffs lately. So now we have jr devs either unable to find a place to refine them, or getting hired by people who just want to save money and don’t know that you need a senior or two to wrangle them. Then chat gpt comes along and gives the illusion of sr dev advice, telling them how to write the wrong thing better, no one to teach them which tool is the right one for the job.
Our industry is in kind of a fucked state and will be for a while. Get good at cleaning up the messes that will be left behind and that will keep you fed for the next decade.
Protests don’t work if the people in power don’t care. One dude with a gun did more to shake up people in power than any recent protest has. Look how Elon wears his kids as human shields now. Protests are to bring awareness, the world is aware. We are now in need of people willing to take action.
This city is both huge and young, so not a breeding ground for archaic facts yet. But the one bit of trivia that catches most people off guard is that Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure is mostly Phoenix, AZ. Even the mall scenes with the ice skating rink were filmed there.
The millennium falcon, the big one. It took about 16 hours of build time for two people. I think the only set bigger at the time was the titanic. I’m actually not sure if the Eiffel tower has more pieces, or if it’s only physically bigger.
Lining up those roof tiles was pure torture. But a beautiful set.
You wanna know what’s cool about language? It changes over time. So while the origin of a word may mean one thing, it can eventually mean something else as well or even something entirely different. Cool used to just mean temperature, but it eventually also came to refer to the attitude of a person or even how likable they are in common usage. Nimrod was a mythical hunter but thanks to Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd now means a stupid person. Same with “America” referring originally a set of continents. In common usage it has come to mean referencing the United States of America, mostly because people are lazy and is so much easier to say “American” than it is to describe something as “from the United States of America”. You can resist the change all you want, but eventually you sound like some old person that says automobile instead of car since car originally meant an individual portion of a train.
I mean, the most offensive part of this is that he wants to use an Oracle system. Hey, jokes make the dystopia a little less boring right?🤣😂😢😭
Is the braking system in a teslas “half-baked tech” for owners to test? I thought the brakes were pretty standard
So they’ve issued almost half the possible numbers, current US population is actively using 1/3rd of them. I think unless there is a major drop in birth rates “several generations” is two. Either my great grandkids will be reusing dead people SSNs or there will be 10 digit numbers which is going to be a problem for any systems that coded it as char(9).
I see the appeal when your music gets constantly interrupted due to every fucking app wanting to send you notifications to remind you of its existence and those constant messages from work flooding whatever communications tool you’re using.
I also see the appeal for something for kids to give them music without giving them a fill on smart device.
Yes, a phone can do almost anything, but single purpose devices can and should be better for that purpose.
We aren’t loud about it, but many of us are always armed and many more are getting there.
The fall guy. The whole movie was an homage to the stunt crew and they had some fun with that.