Those preventing history to be taught intend to repeat it. But what do I know, I’m just a meerkat.
Yes? Care to share?
They hid one A320 for months to copy everything they could and now want to flood the world market. I hope the EU never gives them certification, nor the US.
Look, I get your point, scheduled meals have been standardized by society as a means of production. You can go to work without having breakfast or even dinner and that’s fine. However, when it comes to me, I prefer a big-ass breakfast to fuel my day rather than a big-ass dinner that leaves me a miserable sleep.
They are not wrong though. Just not with their shit.
It’s not very effective.
Dayz changed my life. I helped a studio buy a damned tank instead of hiring actual developers.
Shhhh… don’t question the holy thoughts.
La video est expérimentale il me semble
Water with enough pressure can cut pretty anything 💦🔫
The solution is to rebalance the wealth in one way or another. If only we had a clue.
A buttplug containing the ashes of my passed boyfriend
Remember all the white flag and surrender jokes? Yep, the exact same starting point.
The first comment made me spill my coffee:
« My Sister and I were laughing so hard at this, it woke up Our Daughter upstairs… »
Edit: woops, this was supposed to be under the folgers commercial
Same here. Fuck me.
You mean at 60 from a cancer with all the sketchy garbage his body had to assimilate?
I remember him taking snake venom injections ffs
I beg to differ: from a very good boy at the bar
Luckily the little bumps are circled so we can know where they are