All good points and they are seemingly missing indeed.
All good points and they are seemingly missing indeed.
Haha, I didn’t even make the connection. But that’s just great.
I am curious. Without going much into detail to compromise your passwords obviously.
But how do you come up with a good password, and how long are they typically for you?
Nevermind. They are looking at your real name after all.
and your full name could easily be found
I think they are only talking about your username, not your actual name.
What if a site you use leaks your password and you have to change your password for that site only? Spectre won’t help you with that, as it will still give you the (burned) password.
That is something I immediately thought about, there is no way to change a single password. All or nothing.
Good luck with hundreds of passwords that would need changing.
I like that style.
I’ve only used the “standard” ! at the end of an password and maybe put a 3 for an e.
In hindsight terrible terrible idea, but then again that was a long time ago and in simpler times.