You said the phrase, so I unfortunately need to share this music video. My apologies.
You said the phrase, so I unfortunately need to share this music video. My apologies.
What’s wrong with holding people at gunpoint and requesting a cryptocurrency transaction?
Is it necessary to get a cell plan to run the hotspot? If its just a matter of buying the $20 and loading EFF’s software, I’m definitely onboard!
Thanks NBC for spreading the propaganda that a 273 billion dollar company with a 45% operating margin can decide not to gouge their customers in this rare instance.
I would trust Stellantis way more than these Dogebags.
Google hardware is actually solid. Just don’t run Google software.
I can confirm that Chase, Ally, Venmo, and Robinhood all work on Graphene. You just need to install Google Play Services.
Install AirGuard, if you’re concerned about people stalking you. Install an icon pack and/or switch to a different homescreen app? I prefer that Graphene gives users freedom to setup their phone however they want.
Its been time. You won’t regret it. Graphene is the best Android implementation I’ve ever used.
DOGE actually means to Do Only Good Everyday. The acronym has been hijacked. We really need to get back to sponsoring bobsled teams and making sure people have drinking water.
GrapheneOS on Pixel 7 I got used for $200. I’ve been running this for a year and its the most satisfying setup I’ve ever ran. I have multiple user profiles to segregate Google Play Services, banking apps, consumption apps, and a very restricted profile for my kid to use. I can’t recommend it enough.
I think they’re just saying the orange guy is going to unleash death and despair for those sweet, quarterly profits. But they are being creative about it.
I see you’re a person with great taste in Android apps. Thanks for introducing me to Medito! I need to chill.
Its all about phrasing. They are just having an extended layover because their flight is delayed. Boeing also provides courtesy, in-flight door removal.
I can confirm that no one is reading anything you write here.
Block tyranny porn? Doesn’t that also filter Project 2025?
I can add that it requires location permission (even when you attempt to search manually with zip or city). What a shitty, dystopian timeline we are experiencing when we’re mandated to run privacy invasive spyware, just to get a fucking discount on nugs.
Are you just as concerned that cash is not traceable and that some is exchanged tax free? I don’t see how any GPU miners are profitable at this point. Outside of gaming: AI must have a larger GPU demand? Most miners are using ASICs. You’re absolutely right that mining energy should come from plants that have underutilized capacity and (obviously) renewable sources. The cat’s out of the bag on cryptocurrency and unjust laws don’t deserve to be followed. All government printed currencies eventually become worthless.
If you hate stock Android, definitely try Graphene. It doesn’t come with preinstalled bullshit and let’s you run your banking and other shitty apps in a different user profile. Google Play Store and Services are completely optional. You get nearly full control without the negatives associated with rooting.
Its not on LTSC. Fuck Copilot. Fuck Widgets. Fuck M$ Store. I highly recommend to anyone still using Windows today.