Hell yeah. The Honda Odyssey is/was peak minivan.
Hell yeah. The Honda Odyssey is/was peak minivan.
Loop.video is “currently not accepting new members”.
Never heard of the Irish Star before. I went looking for a secondary source. So far CNN and MSNBC are not reporting on this. But interestingly the Washington post is.
So don’t eat my watch band. Noted.
Bow tie for sure.
They upgraded to flat screen monitors at some point.
I remember being surprised by Lufia 2 rise of the sinistrals. It was my first RPG other than a Zelda type game as a kid.
Earns? A strange turn of phrase for a con.
Lots of interesting games in here. Thanks for sharing.
Sure there are a few others. What I’m mainly getting at is that you can’t run an email server in your house the same way you can run a lemmy instance and expect those emails to get delivered. You are forced to use someone else’s email service as a backend or google will flag your emails as spam.
GTA 6 will release in another 20 years from now.
This used to be true. However in the internet of today, if your email doesn’t come from a Microsoft or a google it will get rejected if the recipient is a Microsoft or google email address. They have taken over.
Ubisoft has a person who’s job title is “Monetization Director”. Who’s being non-decent now?
Democrats don’t support fracking. They say things so they think will help them win elections.
What’s with the three downvotes?
I hope not. Jennifer Hale is amazing. She’s the reason I’ve never played as male Shepard in mass effect. She also voiced Bastila in knights of the old republic. Incredible skill/talent.
I don’t understand. I went to the Texas state fair last year. They were turning people away at the gate for having folding pocket knives or even Swiss Army knives. There where metal detectors and they where searching bags for weapons of any kind. Who is being banned from carrying guns inside the fair? The police?
Didn’t know this community existed or what it was. Started looking for one.
These are great write ups. Much appreciated.
1000% I say gif too, like gift. If you wanted it pronounced like “jiff” then you should have spelled it with a J.