Oh I don’t doubt it. I get tempted to choose the nicer options but I’m staying firm. I almost never go the bad/evil route in games like these so I’m excited to see how things are going to play out. Probably going to hate every outcome though lol.
lover of video games, space, sci-fi and fantasy movies/books and anything that can make me smile!
Oh I don’t doubt it. I get tempted to choose the nicer options but I’m staying firm. I almost never go the bad/evil route in games like these so I’m excited to see how things are going to play out. Probably going to hate every outcome though lol.
Finally decided to get Mass Effect Legendary Edition since it was on sale. It’s been such a long time since I played the original ME and I hadn’t gotten to the 3rd. Loving every moment so far. Gonna go for a renegade run across all three just to see what happens lol
cheers, dude! very solid response and you painted a great picture of what i need overall, i appreciate it. i haven’t heard of Optoma or BenQ actually! and i’m unsure of what a short/ultra short throw is but will research that. thanks again man, will definitely get on the prowl and start making it happen!
do you have any screen and/or projector recommendations? i will be moving soon and will more than likely end up selling my smart TV. was thinking to buy another TV but reading your comment has me more inclined to go to the projector side.
finally got sunbreak for monster hunter rise a couple weeks ago! tmrw is my friday so im pumped to get into it.
currently trying to finish up season 2 of the mandalorian so i can finally start season 3! problem is i’ve got too many shows i’m trying to work through lol.
i think my problem is beating them. i got to a point in hollow knight where i wanted to get into the white palace but didn’t have enough orbs, or whatever they’re called. got really tedious when it came time to backtrack and find more so i put it down. i found that it’s a bit harder trying to find where to go in that one too. but i enjoyed the atmosphere and art direction the most with hollow knight.
i do find that im enjoying dead cells way more though. just haven’t completed a single run yet, but working on that. i have gotten pretty close.
it depends on the pants and how tight fitting they are. if they’re tighter i’ll usually have it in my rear left pocket. occasionally i’ll put it in my front right for easier access.
or if the entire internet didn’t occupy every thought whilst trying to sleep. and if it’s not the internet it’s everything else!
i laughed too hard at this. it happens far more than it ought to. they feel so thin. i wear medium gloves and even trying to put those on sometimes make me cuss under my breath. god forbid your hands are the slightest wet, it’s agonizing.
im playing that too, and i would say the same. i love it so far. the voice acting is wonderful, the music and the storytelling is top notch as well. but something about it gives me this strange feeling i can’t quite place. first it was that feeling that i couldn’t believe it was here and i was playing it. it felt like a dream for a good bit. but as I’ve played more idk what it is. idk if it’s the pacing, or the lack of an overworld, or what. i can’t tell if it’s good or bad either way though.
this is the worst thing. especially when there’s some sudden error when submit it and have to do it over again. reading your comment brought up many a flashback lol
Monster Hunter Rise and Deep Rock Galactic! Trying to increase my master rank and unlock all the Risen elders. Doing event quests that interest me, and finally taking a jab at arena quests.
DRG is just fun as hell and it’s kinda relaxing at the same time. Not too far into it but greatly enjoying every moment.