just about to crack on star ocean for super famicom on my ps vita. its crashed a couple times tho so plan b is phantasy star and/or castlevania 3. i fidget a lot, i’ll probably 5 different games before bed.
just about to crack on star ocean for super famicom on my ps vita. its crashed a couple times tho so plan b is phantasy star and/or castlevania 3. i fidget a lot, i’ll probably 5 different games before bed.
his weiner typing is impecable.
diablo (psx) - my brother and i are always looking for co op games when i’m back home for a visit. i’d played d2 til 5am on weekends in highschool and diablo on psx feels more like a game cause ur not just clicking a million times. i dunno what we were doing wrong but we’d done a new game + like 4 times and were still hung up at the same part of the dungeon so we bailed. great game but the curve ramped up in a dumb way. or we were missing something.
coop mentions cause im always lookin
perfect dark n64 double dragon 2 nes goof troop snes river city ransom nes jackal nes gunstar heroes genesis battletoa… nevermind
i thought it was pretty awesome but dying was too costly and i was backtracking to save way too much. i think thats what my beef was, it was only for a few sessions at my brothers place years ago. plays great but exploring felt risky in a tedious way.
shovel knight… now there’s a knight who gets me.
once in a while when i download a disney movie, it triggers an email from the isp. i payed the fee tho so they need to shut up, in canada there’s a tax, or was, on blank cd’s that went to the entertainment industry to compensate for pirating. they charged me so i feel entitled to sail on.
Rally Cross Beetle Adventure Racing Outrun