What makes you think I wasn’t verbally critical of him? I was telling ppl that were praising him that he seemed to virtue signal and seemed shady back in 2017. I was told I was looking too much into it. But in retrospect…
What makes you think I wasn’t verbally critical of him? I was telling ppl that were praising him that he seemed to virtue signal and seemed shady back in 2017. I was told I was looking too much into it. But in retrospect…
Don’t give the Springfield mob any ideas now…
And the US tax payer is going to have to foot the bill on it…Elon sucks goldfish dick
I disagree. One of the largest groups to swing right were young men, and if you listened to many of their criticisms, they thought Tim was pandering to them which made them think he was disingenuous. If he tries to flip it in the next campaign, he’ll seem even less authentic. If he doesn’t, we’re at status quo. I don’t see that being different for any dem candidate, regardless of gender, without a change in approach.
I’m not saying their criticisms are right or wrong, but they are voters. Whether we like it or not, we need to listen to them b/c of that fact.
Even if the candidate was a woman, a genuine attempt to engage with them and find common ground would likely have a better chance at swinging enough of them than if we stick to Tim. However, knowing how people respond to being slighted and pandered to, I’m unsure there’s much of a chance to reach them anymore. But it would still be a better chance if we engaged with them rather than ignoring them.
The playpen was nasty af tho
Wait, are you joking or is that real?
Oh, so we’re cool with losing again? He’s not going to swing any demographic group - it’s gonna be the same result.
What’s an illegal protest? I thought first amendment speech covered that
Also, how can he expel a student from a school he doesn’t control? or does he mean expel students from the country?
Um, my parents were entirely sex talk averse, but I’ve always practiced safe sex (condoms, birth control, spermicide, sober consent, etc).
This isn’t the only way to promote safe sex. I learned safe sex as a 5th grader in my sex ed class, and I lived in the bible belt. Let’s not pretend like just b/c some ppl don’t want to talk about sex that it has some sweeping effect. This is an entirely disingenuous argument.
Not to mention, some ppl have a point not to let just anybody introduce sex to their kids. Sex needs to be framed appropriately so that it’s consequences (and joys) are put in proper context. She has no standards of conveying the concept of sex she lives by other than to be “lewd”. I don’t want kids, but I wouldn’t just introduce the concept of sex using just any medium or “representative”. That’s dangerous.
I’m curious what the terms are going to be to get them back. Him just bloating the salaries b/c he’s a moron would be on point for him.
To me this picture says one thing: these reps and the sycophants that surround them were never representing the ppl. They just represent what keeps them, personally, in power.
Neither. Just a typical internet convo.
Cool story, princess
Those TEMU epsom salts are really not working 😘
Lmao…yea, you’re not irritated at ALL. I totally believe you now.
Great story. Riveting.
Sure buddy, sure.
I care. That’s why i asked. It’s interesting to see how other places differ from my own. Interesting that irritated you so easily.
Is it illegal where their instance is located?
Well maybe their dumbasses will learn something about how stupid she is