I made some updates to the HexAtlas since I last posted:
- Search: Nominativ Integration allows to search any place
- Mobile UX: It’s should be now easier to navigate on mobile
- Mastodon: See posts (WIP)
- Had to remove leftypedia… I couldn’t figure out why it was only working locally…
Hey, just wanted to let you know that the project is not dead and I’ve actually made some (buggy) updates last month but wanted to post about it when I fix them (I would like to show the 4 instruments of state power by utilizing overpass-api, but the app crashes if there’s too many data points).
I didn’t have too much time IRL to continue as big leaps as in the beginning and some of the features I would like to see I have no clue on how to implement so I kinda go slow.
Rest assured, it’s a project I very much enjoy working on and continue to lurk here. I also owe @Sebrof@hexbear.net an answer in the DM which is 7 months overdue. Sorry comrade 😬