Well, thanks for sharing the app, the most alternatives, the better!
🦊 Furry
🇨🇵 French
Yeah, Im pretty bad at writing bios lol, but if you want to talk to me, just message me!
Well, thanks for sharing the app, the most alternatives, the better!
No better time than the present to switch to OpenStreetMap
For Android, I use OsmAnd~ which uses OpenStreetMap data and allows you to download maps to calculate routes offline, something Google Maps couldn’t do for routes by foot and by bike last time I tried.
It also has better coverage for some small paths in natural areas like forests. Give it a try!
I have no idea about this, but as of now anyone can register.
For reference, CSAM is Belgium’s government portal and a system of login, as far as I know, so I assume it would be used to check if someone is a minor at the time of registration
Child safety is important but implementing this would kind of defeat the purpose of a privacy focused app.
I agree that just gatekeeping children and therefore verifying everyone with a government platform, but then it raises the question on how to improve child safety on an app that’s self-hostable with not even user IDs to identify the users?
I don’t have an answer to that, but I don’t like just saying “This solution is bad”, I always try to add “So try this instead, because XXX”
The most privacy focused messaging app I know is SimpleX Chat, it has no user IDs, is FOSS, e2e encrypted with an option to use TOR, give it a try!
@tapdattl@lemmy.world Hey, I’m late but I may have found something you like! It’s not for S/MIME but for OpenPGP keys, another method of email signing and encryption which does not require the certification by an authority (Actalis)
It’s a website to list all OpenPGP public keys, and I know thunderbird (for desktop at least) automatically looks there whenever you write an email to an address to see if it has a public key.
As far as I understand, there are some advantages and disadvantages on OpenPGP, mainly :
It’s up to you to pick a method based on your needs!
Well, Google takes 15 to 30% off the in-app purchases made through Google Play, so you would probably be giving back Google their own money anyways, plus it would fool many people who might think they’re giving 10€ when actually they’re only giving 8,50€ or 7€ to Wikipedia and the rest to Google.
Maybe because your community only allowed Mandarin? There can also be a community-wide scope that only allow certain languages, so if the community you post in mandarin-speaking only, that’s why you might not have needed to select anything.
You’re very welcome!
Yes, it’s exactly that, I explained it in another reply
I also agree it should behave like that by default but I’m not really familiar with Lemmy’s front-end codebase to be able to do this myself, so I do what I can!
If you regularly post in multiple languages, you have to select them all in your user settings.
However, having multiple languages selected will always display the same language list in the same order, even if you don’t post in that language.
For example, I post mostly in french but sometimes in english as well. Well, the lemmy front-end always puts english at the start of the list so every time I post in french, I need to re-select it which is kind of annoying. This add-on does it for you!
Yes, it does!
J’en avais juste marre que 99% des addons pour télécharger n’étaient pas open source ou nécessitaient d’installer un programme sur son PC, donc j’en ai trouvé une qui est open source mais avec une liste de sites bloqués
Donc j’ai fork et dégagé la blocklist
The best thing I can think of is to contribute to the Lemmy front-end itself, but since I’m not familiar with the framework they use, and how the project is structured, I don’t think I’ll be able to do it for the forseeqble future. Feel free to open an issue about this on their GitHub however!
Well, it seems like it’s going to be a little more tricky. There’s no ID to detect the post sorting selection menu. For the language select, I could look for elements containing the ID language-select
but it does not seem to be possible for post sorting.
The best thing I could think of is to add ?sort=Old
, ?sort=New
to the URL but it does not seem to affect the sorting unless the button is actually clicked or the page fully reloads.
If I could consistently select the elements that allow for filtering (and be careful that it doesn’t conflict with other types of filtering on other pages), I could do it, but right now I don’t see a solution.
I could make another add-on for that, if you are interested
Update! Now should work with any language select in Lemmy, not just post creation!
Add-on even lighter than before! Let’s save those bytes~
Wait a few hours for Mozilla to approve it then update to v1.1, or get it now from GitHub releases!
Thank you for your feedback, I’ve switched to the GPL V3 license
Lemmy est fait en Rust, n’ayant jamais codé en Rust j’ai préféré faire une extension. Le point négatif est qu’il faut l’installer pour chaque utilisateur, mais le positif c’est que n’importe qui peut le faire fonctionner immédiatement sans devoir attendre que son instance soit mise à jour.
Edit : On dirait que le front est fait en TypeScript que je connais, j’essaie de voie ça
Thanks for the list! Although most of the time it’s advised to not use multiple adblocker in tandem, because they might conflict with each other and get detected by the website. For example, uBlock origin has, in its settings, an option to disable JavaScript and in the filter list, an option to block cookie banners “Cookie notices”. But if all of these work for you that’s great!