I’ve never heard that joke before, but that’s brilliant.
I’ve never heard that joke before, but that’s brilliant.
Sticks or it didn’t happen, OP.
The text of the comment that the link points to is:
“A reminder that Garland was endorsed by the Federalist Society, which is why Obama thought he would be a safe pick for SCOTUS.”
That’s very interesting and informative. Cheers!
I regret that I have but one job to quit.
At least Hitler cared about Germany, or something.
Holy cow, that’s a deeeeeeeep memory that just floated back up.
I Googled “man feeding soup to sick woman” to find this:
Looks a bit like Dave Foley to me.
How do I shoot photons?
Excuse me while I stare at my big hairy (proud!) feet as I try to figure out whether or not you just insulted me.
Don’t be fatuous, Jeffrey.
I (squanch/marklar/aladeen) this meme format. 👍