Louder for the sleepers in the back.
Louder for the sleepers in the back.
Right on time
There’s a lot of people losing their jobs today that didn’t do anything wrong.
Lol why do they have to do things in the most cartoonishly evil way?
To be a pedantic dick, those aren’t really programming languages. Their purpose isn’t for writing at that level.
I mean, it’s a good post but it’s not like it’s some kind of deep revelation. The explanation of who he is and why he’s doing these things is pretty obvious, I think. You don’t get to be the richest man on the planet without being a manipulative, narcissistic dick head moron.
IMO a device like this should be portable first, and that means a reasonable battery life, and generally a system trying to do more with less. Also $900-$1500 is a deal breaker for a lot of people.
Perhaps you could give an example? Maybe someone can relate to it.
Its not my business but do you mind saying what industry you work or see this in?
That oughta’ make living more affordable
No TouchPad so I’ll pass, but a non Windows version is a step in the right direction.
Sorry, if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. If you can’t make this stuff at scale, no way you could sell it at $160 a unit.
I mean the fact that it’s mixed in with all the other games and not in a T&A section.
+1 basically went through the same mental process.
FWIW, I don’t have a problem with adult content on game stores, hell I think we should be more chill about it, but let’s call a spade a spade and say what it is. Better yet, separate it into its own category that you can lock or something. Whoever approved it clearly doesn’t care.
I dunno, I’m pretty sure you can go to the Nintendo e-shop on your switch and find straight up smut. Don’t get me started on Steam.
I think a lot of the MK1 experience is good and well done. I think there’s a lot of style and gameplay that make it fun and mostly worth the cost of entry. The cameo system included, although poorly balanced, added another dimension to the gameplay.
Where they lose me is the DLC. They asked a lot for the expansion and didn’t offer much. On top of that many of the added characters should’ve been there, or needed rebalancing after release.
I’m still not convinced you should take an NRS fighter seriously, but I’m usually willing to see what they’ll put out.
There’s a logical fallacy in here somewhere. I don’t think he’s wrong, AAA is much more risk adverse and we haven’t been seeing as many innovative high budget hits IMO but rather call of duty… 12? Madden 24, NBA and fortnight whatever in the top games section.
I think there’s room for both to exist, it’s okay to have sequels but would be nice to also let people be creative with a budget.
Gonna catch some heat with this but I feel like this is just future e-waste. I think it’s better to take advantage of old but good hardware to run stuff, like hacked Vitas or 3DSes. Even switches should be usable for retro stuff down the line.
Thanks for clearing up the source for me. The classic Enix SNES font should’ve been a giveaway though