I’d also like to add timmies in recent years. There has been a steep decline
I’d also like to add timmies in recent years. There has been a steep decline
Love this as a drop in TGG
If there were 12000 bank robberies or murders which were all related, I doubt we would still have the same string of illegal activity happening.
Making something is Criminal, illegal or condemned won’t stop it, there needs to actually consequences that occur. There a bunch of people that need some severe repercussions if we expect this stop.
What the heck?! How is this still happening in Canada. I would’ve thought most of the docs here would’ve been run out of town on a rail for doing something like this.
Agree with the sanctions comment. Make it hurt for our gov to tolerate this bullshit.
Yah that’s what I was thinking
Nice love me a pathfinder game. But looks like a nice couch game
Go visit maximum fun, the whole network is usually centre left or leftist. Whole range of topics and types with that perspective.
99 PI comes to mind as well Or wait wait don’t tell me’s podcast
Where is NPR? I think there a few more neutralist news sources you may want to look for. I’m with the other guy, internet news only is going to have its own set of biases.
For real. Every news source has an agenda of some type. I suggest foreign news coverage of your countries affairs. Can be a bit more even handed if they don’t have a much skin in the game
Lol me too
Don’t think it’s a joke. It’s just a thing that is done
I moved. Missing a couple new features but also more stable. I am happy with the move tbh
Thank you! I’m happy to hear it
Are they any better? I’m not likely to listen to his album but super stoked if he’s grown a bit. People can change after all
Cool cool cool way to be an ally Kendrick
Every godsdamn night at 3 am
Is it worth it? I think I might decide to do something else if he’s borderline cheating all the time… or at least not playing his characters knowledge
Please don’t, it can genuinely unsafe for certain people and you are spending money on something that doesn’t really do anything helpful.
OHNo Ross and Carrie do a series on him and his method. It is pretty eye opening https://ohnopodcast.com/investigations/2020/7/19/ross-and-carrie-cool-off-with-wim-hof-part-1-iceman-edition
I think we may need a BG meme community lol. These are great