Clipboard support in the Wayland driver.
Just a basic programmer living in California
Clipboard support in the Wayland driver.
This seems like a restatement of X. We still don’t understand Y. I’m especially confused about:
There was some hint that maybe you’re concerned about reproducibility for CIDs? If you fix the block size, hash algorithm, and content codec you’ll get consistent results. SHA-256 also breaks data into chunks of 64 bytes as it happens.
Anyway Wikipedia has a list of content-addressable store implementations. A couple that stand out to me are git and git-annex.
Is this possibly a reference to the Delano grape strike?
I’ve mainly worked as an employee so I don’t have as much experience with freelance gigs. But nearly every job I’ve had in 18 years has been through networking. Organizing and speaking at programming meetups opened a lot of doors for me. It gets a lot of attention on me while I get a chance to present myself as an expert.
Eventually I’d worked with enough people that when I’ve been looking for work I find I know people who’ve moved to new companies that are hiring.
I’m gonna take a couple of stabs in the dark.
According to this Stack Overflow answer using tee
can prevent the prompt from drawing which makes it appear that a script has not terminated. The answerer’s workaround is to put a very short sleep command after the tee command.
If this is what happened to you maybe the reason the script works in bash but not in zsh is because you have different prompts configured in those two shells.
Another idea is to replace tee
with sponge
from moreutils
. The difference is that sponge
waits for the end of stdin before it starts writing which can avoid problems in some situations.
Hooray! It’s a sequel, and not a reboot! Legend of Korra was great for being similar but different compared to Last Airbender. If we get something that’s similar but different in a different way that would be lovely.
And there is an upcoming feature film about Aang? Maybe that will take place between the end of Last Airbender and the beginning of Legend of Korra? We saw flashbacks with glimpses of reconciling the four nations after the war, and founding Republic City. It seems like there is plenty more story to tell there.
We live in a capitalist society. Most of Typst is open source including the CLI, library, and IDE support; and the source is Rust so why not share in a Rust community?
Oh yeah, and Nix has the advantage that you don’t need containers. If you want to run a graphical app in a container it might be tricky to access the window manager on the host system. Maybe that’s why you were setting up i3? Yeah, containers are great and flexible, but they also have a variety of downsides so Nix is better ;)
I agree; and I wanted to mention that you don’t need NixOS which is a full distro. Nix the package manager can be installed on any Linux distro, on Macos, or on Windows with WSL. You can set up your reproducible environment by including a devenv config in your repo, or a Nix flake.
There is documentation available for flakes here: https://zero-to-nix.com/concepts/flakes/
They can flash by pressing the button. On some flashlights partially pressing and releasing the button flashes the light off and on. That’s a notable difference from, say, lanterns where you need a cover or shield for signalling.
The problem with “torch” is that there’s already a thing called “torch”, and now I don’t know which thing you mean. The word “flashlight” has avoided critical ambiguity in many of our Indiana Jones movies.
A pidgin language is a simplified language that appears when people need to communicate with each other, but they don’t have a common language. But if the situation lasts long enough for children to grow up learning the mixture of languages as their native language then it quickly evolves into a creole. The difference is that a creole is not a simplified language, and it has regular grammar. While growing up children always “reanalyze” their language to regularize grammar and fill in gaps in expressiveness. This is a main driver in shifts in all languages. The effect is especially profound when starting from an irregular, simplified language.
Because of reanalysis pidgins tend to either be temporary, or to give way to creoles. I don’t know of a pidgin that exists in the US right now. There are creoles - there are some details here
Probably refers to Trump’s proposal to mass deport Palestinians, and to turn Palestine into a “luxury riviera”. But given Netanyahu’s own horrifying behavior I respect the stylistic choice of the article leaving it ambiguous.
No, but I remember overhearing one of my teachers saying it’s actually helpful. That was in the early 90s in California.
I’m not saying he won’t get away with stuff he lawfully can’t do. I’m saying that it’s easier to get away with it if too many people think it’s legal or normal.
I’m thinking about protesting and maybe a tax strike, particularly if the Supreme Court says that actually a president can withhold federal funding despite earlier courts repeatedly blocking previous presidents from trying the same crap.
But it’s not about me specifically. I know it’s cliché, but the guy in power only has power to the extent that people accept it. Right now there are lots of people out there who hate these orders, but are confused about whether they are legal, or assume they are legal, and are therefore less likely to resist. Public outrage is a real force that many governments have found themselves unable to simply shrug off.
Deporting people for activism would be illegal as it violates the first amendment. Most of the recent orders are illegal - it’s important remind each other of that to avoid falling into the trap that we’re supposed to fall for of thinking that these are things a president can do.
I think of sourcehut has already-federated git hosting because to send the equivalent of a pull request instead of making an account you send patches via email using git’s built-in email workflow. Email is federated, therefore that is federated git collaboration.
There’s not true. There’s MMT which says that taxation is a money sink in an abstract sense. But that’s not a universally-accepted theory, and even if you do accept it it doesn’t say that taxes aren’t necessary. According to what I’m seeing on wikipedia, under “Criticism”, MMT proponents say they never said a government could spend without revenue.
Both MMT and more widely-accepted economic theories say that if the government prints money without bringing in proportional tax revenue that leads to inflation which gets to a similar result as not having money in the first place.
In practice the government has bank accounts that tax money goes into, and spending comes out of.
Yes; first pull the black plastic piece out of the end of the refill. I read that there needs to be a little airflow into the refill for ink to flow, and when the back of the refill is jammed into the pen that can cut off airflow so you might cut a little notch in the end of the refill where the black plastic piece was. I also sometimes trim about 4mm off the end of the refill, or put a tiny bit of wadded paper in the pen for spacing. But I do this a little differently every time I put a new refill in.
Mostly from Josh Johnson