Interested in this, how does it fair so far? Is it comparable or better to the original? I was hoping there would be OLED screen mods at some point. Also maybe larger screen space as there’s a fairly large band around the original. I guess you don’t have any information what drivers it uses? I see it says “no driver required” so either the same as the original or another mainline Linux driver.
Wikipedia says Gen Z is born from mid to late 90s, which makes me a Gen Z’er. I use adblocker and try combat enshittification a few ways, including contributing to the commons. My day job is being a firmware developer for an opensource company. I’d say I’m tech savvy.
I think there are quite a lot of people like me, it is just that there are more people using technology at younger ages, effectively diluting the pool of Gen Z’ers you are encountering both online and in person.