This + org-mode are enough for me to switch to Emacs.
This + org-mode are enough for me to switch to Emacs.
Gitlab used to be cute, small, and innovative (as in open). But now it’s too bloated. Gitlab CI is not well designed and half-baked.
Joke aside, for an open question I’d prefer posting on Reddit/Lemmy/forums to have an open answer.
SO is too strict on its policy.
Haha your post made me reflect my journey. I had fun in college tinkering Arch Linux with i3. Now I’m an Infra Engineer (or DevOps Engineer, Platform Engineer, SRE, whatver) and still do the same job—keeping the system “reliable”.
Nvim < Emacs + Vim keybindings (aka evil
Clojure. It’s just fun to write.
Firstly, it’s functional and “Lispy”. My code is super expressive. Writing code is like writing prose where I can choose a word (function) from a large vocabulary [1]. I can focus on high-level concepts and modifying states instead of fighting with low-level logic.
Secondly, it runs on JVM - an already robust and performant platform.
And there are so many good things that I cannot simply write in some words. The father of Clojure, Rich Hickey, is a genius in expressing Clojure’s design. You should check out some of his talks [2].
Too bad that Clojure is too “niche” that I haven’t got a chance to make a living by writing Clojure, yet. But learning it is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my career. Yes, it’s that good.
I usually check in with myself:
If one or two of these conditions failed, I would consider moving. After all, if I went to a workplace and I didn’t find any joy or recognition, the paycheck wouldn’t make me stay.
Well, obvious reason: you can’t edit an outdated video with easy effort. But with text you can.
But for a tech talk or demo, I’d still prefer a video than written text.
Well, bash scripts are infamous for being arcane so commenting abundantly is better than nothing.
I wouldn’t say the weather in summer…
Actually this is a good practice. If you don’t know where the program is or if the source is not open, you shouldn’t install blindly.
You have a pretty solid skill for a JR, to be honest. Sometimes I work with a mid-senior one and they don’t know a single thing (well, a bit of exaggeration but they somehow “hacked” the system to get to that title).
Anyway, ignore the job requirements with 3+ years of Exp and apply anyway. Accept the first position that you feel “good enough” to gain practical experience. It will be your stepping stone to another job. Don’t think that your first company will be ever be your final company for 10 or more years.
Tried it out once and really impressive with the rollback functionality (Snapper, btrfs) and killer YaST. Fedora is my main OS for working now but will definitely consider to go back to Suse one day.
Not on paper documents though. Here in Europe I have to write dd-mm-yyyy.
It’s sad to see it spit out text from the training set without the actual knowledge of date and time. Like it would be more awesome if it could call time.Now()
, but it 'll be a different story.
Fedora for its stability. Arch for its customisability.
“Code is the documentation” is the paradise we all want to be someday. But some people use that as an excuse to not write the documentation explaining why this piece of code exists in the first place. I find it extremely annoying when there is not a single architecture diagram is available and someone tell me to figure it out by reading his/her spaghetti code.
Same experience. Alpha but good enough already.
Click something and you’re there (e.g. viewing logs of a container). You don’t have to remember docker
commands to do simple and quick operations.
Reddit is already blocking some Proton VPN IPs…