• 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • I really hope stepping down as CEO leads to Linus surrounding himself with people he trusts to call him out when he’s missing something.

    He strikes me as the kind of person who is susceptible to a few certain mental traps you kinda don’t want to see in a leader of a large influential organization:

    1. Taking an “ends justifies the means” mindset (e.g. stepping on the “growth” gas pedal and accepting sloppiness because it will get better later with Labs)
    2. Letting “objective facts” justify big subjective decisions w/o much consideration (e.g. thinking the Billet Labs video didn’t need to be re-shot because the “objectively” product rec conclusion wouldn’t have been different)
    3. Substituting actual solutions to problems w/ commitments to solving them (e.g. implementing “Accuracy KPIs” instead of slowing the pace of video releases)

    None of these constitute outright malice, IMO, but boy can they lead to a problematic working environment.

    I’m sure there will be quite the flame war as a result of this, which I think is a bummer. Linus strikes me as someone who’s acting in good faith, but has an unshakable habit of making rushed decisions without considering the full scope of their impact, and is (or has been) lacking the appropriate feedback structure to help him learn to either a) make more thoughtful decisions, or b) fully delegating those decisions to folks who are better equipped to make them.

    Here’s hoping this leads to positive change.

  • I try to structure my commits in a way that minimizes their blast radius, which usually likes trying to reduce the number of files In touch per commit.

    For example, my commit history would look like this:

    • Add new method to service class
    • Use new service class method in worker

    And then as I continue working, all changes will be git commit --fixuped to one of those two commit’s hashes depending on where they occur.

    And when it’s time to rebase in full, I can do a git rebase master --interactive --autosquash.

  • I’m absolutely thrilled to have sync on the Fediverse, and will happily pay for a yearly subscription to help ensure LJD has sufficient compensation to keep the app up-to-date with whatever changes come to the Android/Lemmy APIs years down the road.

    The problem with (even excellent) free apps for platforms like this, is they require consistent maintenance to keep up with both the platform they run on (Android), and the platform they serve content for (Lemmy). That is not a trivial amount of work, and is absolutely deserving of continued, recurring compensation IMO.

    A one-time payment might make sense for a simple native game that gets produced once, has no web component, and never needs another update for its entire lifetime, but not for this. You aren’t paying for a singular product, you’re paying for a service. You wouldn’t go to the barber and winged about needing to pay every time I get my hair cut.

  • This.

    I think of buses as the caterpillar to a tram’s butterfly.

    You can start with a comprehensive bus network, and as a particular route stabilizes and the bus starts struggling to meet throughput needs, that is an indicator that a tram may be worthwhile.

    Starting w/ a tram line is a pretty big financial bet that it will be useful/needed, as once you build it, you’re locked-in to that specific route.

  • I never really had problems with Biagi when I heard her talk, or explain her goals for CDOT, but it was abundantly clear that her department wasn’t doing enough to prioritize transit modes other than the car. That’s a failure, no matter how you slice it – either Biagi was less than transparent about her goals/motives regarding pedestrian safety, she fundamentally misunderstood the problems that arise from car-centric design or she was unable to affect significant systemic change in her department.

    Here’s hoping whoever replaces her is willing to acknowledge de-prioritizing the car-centric transportation model as their #1 priority, and has a clear plan on how to move the city in that direction.

  • Most of the comments here are talking about the x% of time Linux gets messed up it can be really intimidating for new users and getting the right help can be a challenge, or simply more time than it’s worth.

    I think this is true, but I think there’s another thing that irks people:

    Software Compatibility

    The general public primarily interacts with their computers through established applications that commonly aren’t available on Linux w/o intimidating work around (if at all).

    A noob who switches to Linux isn’t going to know the limitations up front, and the second they decide they want to learn Adobe Premier for work, they’re kinda fucked. They’ll either spend hours/days of online research trying to figure out if it’s even possible, or they’ll ask for help only to have someone tell them they’re wrong for trying and to use some FOSS alternative because Adobe is an evil megacorp.

    It’s a recipe for frustration.