I’m not too sure about this one. No brands stick out. I will do a quick bit of searching, but this is what I’ve found on the surface level.
Amazing post! I’ve been wanting to do the same… Have you found a CLI .csv file editor? One of the points of friction for me is finding how to replace Excel’s functionality past Libreoffice. I’m more curious to see what that workflow can do when one uses no GUI whatsoever.
Someone is going to need to pull a lot of weight in planning, organizing, and leading these meetings, presentations, and projects.
I’ve never managed a project before, but assume we should gather everyone who is interested by sending out some sort of survey. It would be good to have knowledge about what people are interested in learning, send out my ideas of how this should be structured, and ask for general comments. These could be about the final project, individual time commitment, references, philosophy of learning, etc. I’m thinking 8 weeks could be a good place to start. How should this survey be sent out to others? I want to choose a service that doesn’t encroach on user privacy since we are on Lemmy. The same is to be asked of a communal repository. I don’t want to use Google Drive.
What would we need to do on our first meeting together?
Saturday mornings or Monday evenings (Pacific US Time) are some thoughts. The sessions could be between 1 and 2 hours depending on the engagement.
This is a what I mean by someone pulling a lot of weight, a teacher carousel has a slim to none chance of working out. One person is going to need to define and implement the vast majority of the curriculum. They’ll need to do a lot of research and work in advance.
I’d like to ascertain this information in the survey if anyone with expertise in particular programming domains would like to lend their expertise and put together a short slide deck. Otherwise, I’m okay to deep-dive on topics we agree on, find a healthy amount of literature as resources, and brainstorm a way that each subtopic could be useful in the grander scheme of the project. So that there is some type of cohesive narrative to this endeavor.
Hope that’s a good starting point.
Definitely will, I appreciate the support :) I’ll hop onto the Rust form after I’ve read the book with some questions.
I’ve had murmurs of Rust throughout my time here… I’ll give it a try and attempt to make a barebones application with buttons.
Once I’ve either failed catastrophically or have created something to be reviewed, I’ll report back.
Memes like this make me ever more confused about my own software work flow. I’m in engineering so you can already guess my coding classes were pretty surface level at least at my uni and CC
Conda is what I like to use for data science but I still barely understand how to maintain a package manager. Im lowkey a bot when it comes to using non-GUI programs and tbh that paradigm shift has been hard after 18 years of no CLI usage.
The memes are pretty educational though
Well given that I remember my professors barely knew how to code when they were the ones teaching us, I’m never surprised computational papers are like this…
That’s what you get when people never learn alternatives to MacOS or Windows
Used to want to do an M.D. Realized I didn’t want to be 400k in debt before I’m even a resident. Thought I’d do a Ph.D in chemE, but didn’t feel like being underpaid and overworked for 4+ years.
Teaching is rewarding. So is connecting with your fellow students. It was a completely different league at CC vs. Uni. Did a lot of research throughout my undergrad. I still like what I majored in, but it took me a long time to adjust after my personality got absorbed and prepared to get fucked by grad school.
Unfortunately I don’t think completely automating my resume is going to happen. It’s just a dream :( I’ve finally found something that got the attention of an employer though, so hopefully my job search will be over soon.
I’m still itching to do something with NLP/LLMs, but I’ll have to define the problem more rigorously rather than throw out nebulous desires. Thanks for the response!
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Awesome! I’ll send you a DM a bit later with some details about the Chromebook when I dig through the mountain of stuff in front of me. Appreciate the help :)
Sorry for the late response, I’ve been wading through my inbox to get back to most :)
That’s gotta be why they make it so damn hard to uninstall ChromeOS… I like that Linux is being popularized more, but I hear whispers from the F(L)OSS community in my head that Canonical and Microsoft are one in the same. Its a bit confusing some of the rhetoric surrounding certain companies and software other than the blatantly obvious like Microsoft or Google, but I’ll never quite understand programmer “martian”…
Have you worked on chrome books before and swapped the OS?
Apologies for the long wait for a response. Been trying to get back to people.
I checked out the Chromebook I have and made a post on the Gentoo form, but don’t believe I’m able to do it for my particular model because of how I’m sandboxed in a subsystem of something. Could I DM you and we could chat more about sending Chrome OS to the shadow realm?
You just described the entire cycle of discovering Linux… Starting with something simple like Mint or Ubuntu, hearing whispers from individuals with large gray beards that Gentoo and Arch are better, and then all of a sudden you’re learning about lithography processing and kernel development all because a fucking peripheral didn’t load properly.
“I’ll just figure it out”, he delusionally murmured as he typed out the 132nd acronym for the day… One day I won’t be stupid!
This is the exact reason I’ve been putting off buying a new car. Ever since I saw the video of the guys controlling cars remotely with a laptop, paysalled heated seats, no key slot to unlock the door, infotainment systems replacing buttons, and more, I don’t want to buy a new car!
I would absolutely love to start using the new technologies, as I studied them in school and even did a couple of research presentations on the newer battery chemistries, photovoltaics, and designed an on-site hydrogen generation process as an energy storage medium. But, if I can’t get stuff like it was in the good ol’ days of analog buttons, I dont really want it.
It’s happened to me as well… When I started talking more about Free Software and security, the advertisements on my phone all showed me cybersecurity software or services to “ensure my privacy”. It freaks me out too when Discord randomly opens and I get invited to some AR headset Discord server called “Kokomo”
Aruba, Jamaica, oh I know where I never want to take her now 😵💫
Awful!!! I remember using those junktops when I was in high school…
Made me realize I still have one lying around and I tried to put Linux on it, but they seem to only let you sandbox Linux in it…? Not able to enter BIOS supposedly due to the firmware is obnoxious. Is there any way to put coreboot on over the firmware or something?
Great source! Thank you very much for sharing, I’ll check it out more 😊