If you have Ethernet cables that are old or have damaged ends in your pile just sacrifice them to make your own cable ties. Cut it into pieces as long as you need to wrap your other cables and in each section you cut you get four twist ties.
Cheap, readily at hand, and if the cables were bad you can call it recycling.
If your NAS has enough resources the happy(ish) medium is to use your NAS as a hypervisor. The NAS can be on the bare hardware or its own VM, and the containers can have their own VMs as needed.
Then you don’t have to take down your NAS when you need to reboot your container’s VMs, and you get a little extra security separation between any externally facing services and any potentially sensitive data on the NAS.
Lots of performance trade offs there, but I tend to want to keep my NAS on more stable OS versions, and then the other workloads can be more bleeding edge/experimental as needed. It is a good mix if you have the resources, and having a hypervisor to test VMs is always useful.