The first author to be on New York Times Best Sellers list for millennia
The first author to be on New York Times Best Sellers list for millennia
LK-99 is a room temperature superconductor. It’s a big deal, because it means that energy can be transferred with 0 loss and it doesn’t require loads of cooling to maintain that property (unlike “traditional superconductors” that need liquid nitrogen and other cooling to have that property). An analogy would be like if you got paid all of your paycheck all the time instead of having taxes taken out. The money you get paid is energy and the loss is taxes
There’s controversy that LK-99 can’t be replicated
Going over to the programming side, sometimes you’ll work on a feature and when others go test it, it doesn’t work. A common excuse heard is “well, it works on my machine”. Docker containers solve that problem by essentially (but not really) making a copy of “my machine” and letting people run the program/feature on that copy
So the joke is, if the korean researchers were able to create it in their lab environment (their machine), why don’t they just make a copy of their lab and let others use it
this is a very gross oversimplification, so feel free to suggest any corrections
It would probably be Cane’s, because I eat there a fair amount and it’s like B-tier fried chicken for an okay price. If we wanna go international, then it’s Kyochon. It’s a Korean Fried Chicken chain with 1 location in America and a bunch in Korea
Second would either be McDonalds or Dairy Queen for their McFlurry/blizzard or their super artificial ice cream. Honestly, I know there is better ice cream, but I have an Anton Ego flashback (from Ratatouille) whenever I take a bite/lick of ice cream and am reminded of the trips I took with my mom when we walked over to Dairy Queen together
My work allows us to put PRs on the other teams repos, i.e. no forking needed. Except it requires access being granted to write to the repo. So some people fork and it results in a bunch of stray repos sitting out there. This results in search results being clogged up, and it’s awful playing whack-a-mole figuring out which is the true original repo
How it this technology related? Is it because the person of interest is a tech exec? I don’t think a person’s diet (or their oddly justified and unfounded blood transfusions) really counts as tech news
I know Apollo had it so that you could switch accounts by holding down the profile tab and it’ll open an account switcher modal
Another thing I wish there was is an indicator showing the user which account you’re commenting/posting with
Yes, those lights you are talking about are illegal. Same with vehicles that have too high of bumper heights and too low. Unfortunately, a lot of traffic laws don’t get enforced
When I applied, I never got a notification that it got approved, but I could post and comment on that instance. So you might have been in a similar situation as me or the admins are still dealing with a large influx of people
I believe it’s a legal thing where HR has to track the ethnicity (if applicant discloses) due to equal employment. Basically the US federal government wants to know if a company is discriminating against a protected class during hiring and employment
Not using my car is probably the best thing. I’m not stressed before, during, and after an errand run now that I can use my bike or feet to do a majority of them. I still drive to one-off errands, but that’s few and far in-between
Like, if my city was even more walkable, it would be cheaper to do ride-share/micro mobility rentals than to own a car. Turns out having a car payment, insurance, gas, maintenance, and random one-off car expenses is expensive
To give more context around why cars are inefficient is that most trips Americans make is less than like 5ish miles, and any e-bike worth their money can easily do that. The gap between a nice (the nicest is like $10k, but a really nice one is 1-3k) e-bike and the shittiest functioning car is pretty big too
I want to know if the “autopilot” (adaptive cruise control) was disabled before impact so that the driver was found at fault. Despite Tesla disabling it way after the point the driver can properly react and correct the situation
I agree with the sentiment, but there is something about the way that it’s written makes me want to disagree with the author. I think it’s their tone that they’re using in their writing.
Anyways, a part of this is confirming to me that the people calling for RTO are surprised at the outcome when they face attrition and recruitment trouble. There’s no way that when they call for RTO nowadays that they shouldn’t expect those problems.
If you’re keeping compensation and benefits the same, but take away WFH, don’t be surprised when people jump for the same job with WFH. You need to account for the lack of WFH with something (a lot more money)
People who give others what they wish they had. Sometimes people can be bitter and envious of what others got. I think it takes being a bigger person to accept that you didn’t receive it then, and you can still give it to others.
I’m mostly talking about things like time, attention, patience, tolerance, affection, and positive reinforcement/affirmation. Just because you had a bad time, doesn’t mean others have to experience it.
I wonder if it will be a repeat of last time where telecom companies took the money and did nothing with it
I’m hopeful that at least a quarter of it will make it to homes/areas that need it
Mlem has been super buggy for me. As in I’ll see the same 5 posts repeated over and over. Honestly, the best part about Mlem is that it makes me use my phone less and less
Memmy is getting there tho. Memmy feels close to Apollo. I hope it grows beyond a 1:1 clone of Apollo and tries to get the finishing touches for Lemmy that wouldn’t be seen on Reddit
If you’re lazy, here are the 7:
The Trump Organization
Fox Corporation
Spirit Airlines
Probably iOS. I use AdGuard and sideload a YouTube tweak to dodge most of the ads on my browsing experience