A very successful one with a large extension ecosystem to boot.
An interesting material it is.
A very successful one with a large extension ecosystem to boot.
Turns out reCAPTCHAs aren’t actually ‘tracking the way you move your mouse’ but just trying to match you to one of the billions of statistical models held in Google datacenters that represent the device fingerprints, personalities, locations, and preferences of every Internet user they track.
And when they fail to match you… then they presume you’re not a real person.
I don’t think phonics are the most critical part of why the kids can’t read.
It’s proven that people who read primarily books and documents read thoroughly, line by line and with understanding, while those that primarily read from screens (such as social media) skip and skim to find certain keywords. This makes reading books (such as documentation) hard for those used to screens from a young age and some believe may be one of the driving forces behind the collapse in reading amongst young people.
If you’re used to the skip & skim style of reading, you will often miss details, which makes finding a solution in a manual infinitely frustrating.
What is your official statement on the ‘is a hotdog a sandwich’ debate?
An alternate domain https://annas-archive.li/
Autonomna Pokrajina Texas
The full name is “The Claims Adjuster”, but as the Internet does, it was shortened.
If only running an appview didn’t require VC level money… I mean it’s still way better than twitter, twitter would have never allowed fed.brid.gy or alternative clients and whatnot but it would still be nice if there was more than one service on the protocol
I think that maybe losing his job at fox news phased him more than he let on
Wow, the emerald mine heir that wants to go to mars is getting support from the ex-KGB agent with a penchant for poisoning. I honestly don’t know why I expected anything different
Totally unexpectable!!!
So that church that I heard was using its non-profit status to create an untaxable 32 billion dollar investment portfolio that got exposed for using 13 shell companies to hide the holdings from the public was a Mormon one! Who could have guessed!
So like, when was the last time someone said they needed to handle the “enemy within”?
Oh wait
I remember this from history class!
Increasing working hours decreases actual labor done per hour. A person working 40 hours per week will more often than not achieve more than someone working 70.
“in Britain during the First World War, there had been a munitions factory that made people work seven days a week. When they cut back to six days, they found, the factory produced more overall.”
“In 1920s Britain, W. G. Kellogg—the manufacturer of cereals—cut his staff from an eight-hour day to a six-hour day, and workplace accidents (a good measure of attention) fell by 41 percent. In 2019 in Japan, Microsoft moved to a four-day week, and they reported a 40 percent improvement in productivity. In Gothenberg in Sweden around the same time, a care home for elderly people went from an eight-hour day to a six-hour day with no loss of pay, and as a result, their workers slept more, experienced less stress, and took less time off sick. In the same city, Toyota cut two hours per day off the workweek, and it turned out their mechanics produced 114 percent of what they had before, and profits went up by 25 percent. All this suggests that when people work less, their focus significantly improves. Andrew told me we have to take on the logic that more work is always better work. “There’s a time for work, and there’s a time for not having work,” he said, but today, for most people, “the problem is that we don’t have time. Time, and reflection, and a bit of rest to help us make better decisions. So, just by creating that opportunity, the quality of what I do, of what the staff does, improves.””
In 1920s Britain, W. G. Kellogg: A. Coote et al., The Case for a Four Day Week (London: Polity, 2021), 6.
In 2019 in Japan, Microsoft moved to a four-day week: K. Paul, “Microsoft Japan Tested a Four-Day Work Week and Productivity Jumped by 40%,” Guardian, November 4, 2019; and Coote et al., Case for a Four Day Week, 89.
In Gothenberg in Sweden around the same time: Coote et al., Case for a Four Day Week, 68–71.
In the same city, Toyota cut two hours per: day: Ibid., 17–18.
The real point of increasing working hours is to make your job consume your life.