Should be no tracking. As long you are using a vpn, your public IP address shouldn’t be visible to YouTube and freetube doesn’t load the tracking scripts used by YouTube. It makes api requests to fetch only the video content.
But it isn’t that it might be problematic in the future, it’s very likely that it will. Look at what happened with RIAA and youtube-dl, reddit and film studios. The movie and music industries are very trigger happy when it comes to suing anyone even remotely related to piracy.
Also picking and choosing which sorts of liability you’re exposed to is normal, it isn’t an all or nothing situation.
Something reasonably close but not exactly that would be feedly
One possible solution is that all of these tabs will go into your history, which also can sync between devices if you configure it to. Once you have Firefox open on your desktop, you can click the hamburger menu in the top-right, history, manage history. Once in there, you can select all of the items in your history at once with ctrl-a, right click, then bookmark them all at once.
If it’s crashing while trying to open the synced tabs, you may need to turn off the tab syncing first in sync settings.
This is data scraped from websites for the brave search engine, not data from browser users
Technically yes, but 3-4 drinks per year is such a small amount it’s going to make a negligible difference.
You can have connect for Lemmy auto-mark as read as you scroll past and then when you refresh it will hide the read posts.
True, but that’s also the case with grapheneos. There are several contributors and Daniel Micay has stepped down from the project as well, so if he is your only issue with using grapheneos, he isn’t there anymore.
Also, while Daniel was definitely in the wrong in that situation, it is worth mentioning he had been swatted several times at that point and was understandably angry, it was just definitely mis-directed.
You’re currently using Lemmy, which is developed by these people: (, but software that’s developed by a guy that was a little mean is too much?
Think of it like a club with a max capacity of 10 people, where some people have VIP cards. If a person with a VIP card wants to get into the club, the bouncer will kick out one of the people inside that doesn’t have a VIP card to make space for them.
For a more technical explanation:
There are several processors on computers and each can be in use by 1 process at a time. Different processes can get different amounts of time based on their priority (called niceness in Linux) and they’ll be removed from the processor once their time is up until their next share of time.
On a real-time kernel some processes are marked as real-time (certain range of niceness values, can’t remember the exact range). If a process that is real-time says it needs some processor time, a process that isn’t real-time that’s currently running will be immediately ripped off the processor to make room for the real-time process.